The previous step(s) will clone the current projects required to commence work. In the future, there might be additional repositories but the process of cloning will be the same.
Once the repository cloning is completed select any of the cloned repositories or continue into the editor by selecting “Continue without code“.
We are going to need to add the custom Nuget packages, so the following steps will guide you on where to acquire them and how to load them into your project:
Proceed to the Azure DevOps page and select the DSD-MARINE Vessel Registry project
On the left side menu select the Artifact menu option
Make sure the DevOps-Nuget Package is selected in the drop down
Click on the Connect to feed
Select Visual Studio from the list
Under the Machine Setup Section note the Name and the Source, copy both of them
In Visual Studio’s menu => Tools/NuGet Package Manager/Package Manager Settings
Under the NuGet Package Manager collapse click on Package Sources
Click on the Green Plus Icon
Set the Name to match that of the Artifacts section from earlier, and the source to value copied from the Source Section.
Step 3 - Install Docker (Windows):