Code Block |
git tfs list-remote-branches http://tfsprod:8080/tfs/Marine%20Safety/ |
Note: %20,in the path string "Marine%20Safety" represents the empty space " " in the path string "Marine Safety"
Tip |
If you don't see the branch you want to clone, then it probably hasn't been configured as a branch in TFS. You can do this through Visual Studio by right-clicking on the "project" in Source Control Explorer and converting it to a branch: |
Code Block |
git tfs clone http://tfsprod:8080/tfs/Marine%20Safety/ $/MPDIS-SDDPM_Scrum/DEVELOPMENT/MPDIS-SDDPM c:\tmp\migration\mpdis |
Above command clones the tfs repository http://tfsprod:8080/tfs/Marine%20Safety/ $/MPDIS-SDDPM_Scrum/DEVELOPMENT/MPDIS-SDDPM
to a temporary git repository at the given local path c:\tmp\migration\mpdis
9. or Run following command to clone all history from TFS for all branches. For example: MPDIS-SDDPM