- Status is “Referred”
- Assignee is set to Scrum Master of related Primary Developer (see wiki for list of Second-Level Support (https://tcmarin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MAR/overview)
- Reference Number is set to the associated TFS ticket number (see Support: New TFS Ticket)
- TFS ticket number, enclosed by brackets, is appended to the end of the SMGS ticket’s Title field
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Note: With DevOps now up and running, you should consider recording support tickets in DevOps instead of TFS. Team Kraken has started doing this, using the acronym "DOS" when referring to DSD-Marine tickets (e.g. DOS 345, DOS 13445, etc.).
- Title follows the format: <English App Acronym> - <IM Number> - <SMGS ticket Title>
- TFS ticket is Unassigned
- One tag created and set to <English App Acronym> (e.g. CPSCS).
- Second tag created and set to “TRIAGE”
- State is set to “New” (default).
- Area is set to the appropriate Work Area within the “Marine Safety Portfolio” project. The Area selected should match the application/system identified in the title
- Iteration is set to Ninja Team related to the Assignee entered in Support: Triaged SMGS Ticket
- Repro Steps is set to the Description as seen in Support: New SMGS Ticket Details
- If there are any attachments in the associated SMGS ticket, they are attached to the TFS ticket via the Attachments tab (not shown).
- If there are any additional materials related to this issue (i.e. e-mails sent to ninja teams or scrum masters to further clarify the reported bug), they are attached to the TFS ticket via the Attachments tab (not shown).
Support: Triaged TFS/DevOps Ticket (DATA)
- State is Approved
- TRIAGE tag is replaced with DATA tag
- Record Effort (in hours) for time spent triaging the current ticket.
- Optional: Discussion note added to further clarify the current state of the ticket.
Support: Triaged TFS/DevOps Ticket (CODE)
- State is Approved
- TRIAGE tag is replaced with CODE tag (see Fig. 1 below)
- Iteration Path is changed to "Marine Safety Portfolio". Other Ninja Teams may be assigned to work on this CODE ticket: changing the iteration path will make this ticket more easily visible to the other teams.
- Effort field records any time (in hours) spent determining that this ticket will need a code change to fix.
- Discussion note added with the following text: "Triage performed by <name>" where <name> is your name.Triaged and SMGS ticket closed."
- Assigned To field is cleared (unassigned).
- This bug will now get addressed as part of a future sprint for the system/application named in the Area field. Follow the development and TFS procedures as defined by the SCRUM process and by your scrum master.
- Ticket in SMGS (see Fig. 2 below) should be closed and a note must be added to the SMGS ticket's Solution text that reads: "Issue being tracked in TFS/Azure DevOps: <link>.Issue will be fixed in a future release." where <link> will direct client to the triaged TFS ticket.
- If this bug is preventing clients from using the application/system, procedure to initiate an emergency release should be followed. Contact your team lead/scrum master for further detail.