Upon issue, Transport Canada ADs are distributed to the registered owners of affected Canadian aircraft.
In accordance with ICAO Circular 95-AN/78 Transport Canada ADs are also distributed to the airworthiness authorities of foreign states where Canadian certified products are believed to be operating.
Document formatting :
Canadian directives:
(Note : Country code for Canada, is already the prefix of the AD document name)Foreign directives:
Not ALL Canadian ADs pertain to Canadian TCH products, only
Canadian products are occasionally found on Foreign issued ADs and are sometimes adopted by TC (though, normal practice is that TC reviews the AD, and then issues a Canadian AD afterward)
Record lock can occur. (up to 2 hours before reset)
Exchange server password changes ? (controlled by shared services)
possibly an export script outage ? The MDM looks for the document on the Internal web server ( https://tcapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/2/AwD-CN/documents/ )
PDF publication began in 2005 in conjunction with HTM, and is not the only format exported to AD web, except in cases where the inspectors are posting old ADs on newly acquired products, and HTM is the only format available. PDF’s were produced
Sale Reported / Invalid Address operators