Ensure all files for export are available at : \\ncrws488\tcwwwtest\Aviation\applications\AWD-CN\documents
Verify the status of the "make live to web" flag in CAWIS, and the appropriate “document available” flags are ticked
Ensure file name is in the proper format.
Check if the sync script if running (script intervals : 20 mins)
The AD file has not exported ?
Go to the document archive at : \\ncrfs345\AARD\AARD Public\CAWIS-REPORTS\Ad_archive\working
Sort the list descending by modified date
Copy desired files back over to the export folder
Ensure file name(s) are in in the proper format
Wait 30 minutes for export
Reverify export with a physical lookup
Record lock can occur. (up to 2 hours before reset)
server password changes ? (controlled by shared services)
possibly an export script outage ? The MDM looks for the document on the Internal web server ( https://tcapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/2/AwD-CN/documents/ )
The publications group has the option to gather and BCC a full distribution in event of an emergency, if/when the MDM is offineoffline.
Document formats
Beginning in 1996, all Canadian ADs and applicable foreign ADs were scanned to HTM format. HTM publication continued until 2015.