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Team Kraken to collaborate and update. |
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colour | YellowBlue |
title | DRAFT - WIPReview and sign |
Working agreement is made between scrum team members about how things should be done over the course of a sprint and how we will work together as a team.
They help develop a sense of shared responsibility, increase awareness of personal behaviour and empower the facilitator to lead the group according to the agreements.
Scrum Value | Working Agreement |
Commitment People personally commit to achieving the goals of the Scrum Team | Courage Scrum Team members have courage to do the right thing and work on tough problems | Accept new Challenges no matter their size Agree to ask for help and not struggle in silence Be open minded to try something different Encourage Positive Conflict within the team
Focus Everyone focuses on the work of the Sprint and the goals of the Scrum Team | Staying engaged in meetings by asking questions Clearly defined goals and objectives Focus on the purpose of the meeting not tangents and timebox them
Commitment People personally commit to achieving the goals of the Scrum Team | No individual success without team success - (Help others i.e. assisting others with tasks when you are done with yours) Be quality oriented As a team and individual work towards achieving the goal to the best of our ability
Respect Scrum Team members respect each other to be capable, independent people | Always respect your colleagues, customers and peers and their opinions and views, and make sure anyone voice is header, and constructive feedback/criticism is provided Ask if members are willing to stay longer if going over time
Openness The Scrum Team |
and its stakeholders agree to be open about all the work and the challenges with performing the work |
| Share your thoughts and suggestions, be open when something doesn't look right without delay, or when you struggle with anything and need help, and being receptive to feedback and improvements
Working Copy:
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name | 2021.11.10 - Team Working Agreement - Team Kraken.xlsx |
Signed by: