Set Up New Environment

Part 1: Set up a pipeline

To be able to deploy the code automatically when one commit the code to the repository, we need to create a pipeline that auto deploy the code, we use a Docker image to the new environment.


  1. Go to Certificate Processing/_build and click on create a new pipeline

  2. Select Use the classic editor

    Image RemovedImage Added
  3. Select the correct branch you need for the pipeline and click Continue

  4. Under the Select a template select Empty job or Docker container

  5. Give the pipeline a name

  6. Under Get sources make sure to select the correct repo and branch

  7. Under Agent job check that you have a check mark under Allow scripts to access the OAuth token

  8. Click to add a task if you selected an empty job, if selected Docker container in step 4 you will have this task already.

  9. Configure the first task “Build an image”. Under the Task version make sure to change it to 0.*. The Action should be Build an image. The Display name you can change to reflect building an image. Select the correct Subscription.

  10. Select the Dockerfile by clicking on the 3 dots

  11. Under Build Arguments add the following:

    Code Block


17. Configure the Triggers: Check “Enable continuous integration”


18. Configure the options. Make sure the Build number is in the following format:

Code Block


Part 2: Set up and configure Azure AD

< Azure Portal configurations etc >
