System Profile
Go back to the “CAWIS Attachments” page.
Select the template to edit and click on “Upload”.
Upload the file using the “Browse” button. DO NOT check the “Update filename” checkbox.
Click on “Save”.
Validate the HTML template
Submit a ticket to the CAWIS development team to execute a test run for email or fax templates.
Wait for the test run to be complete. You will receive an email with placeholders replaced by test values.
POST EDM - Parsing the data
A week or so, after an EDM run, we want to identify any email addresses where we received bounce-backs, so that the Publications unit can eliminate these from CAWIS. To accomplish this, we run the -PARSEMAIL function.
Note : A query like this, will let you know if the data has been parsed properly
Basically, we're searching AA003 for failures ( notification status = 3 ) where the client had a legitimate looking email. This success/fail info will be available to CAWIS admin, on the AAIRDATA report, next day