Assuming acceptable data loss of approximately 1 hour, incremental backups should be performed each hour, with a full backup performed each day. Backups shall be retained for a period of 7 calendar days*.
Running the Scripts
Enable Point-in-Time Recovery on ArcGIS Data Store
On a workstation (not the VM hosting the data store), start Windows PowerShell.
Set the execution policy to allow running unsigned scripts.
Code Block Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
Connect to Azure.
Code Block Connect-AzureRMAccount
Enter appropriate login credentials at the login window:
Run the script to configure the ArcGIS Data Store:
Code Block .\CreatePITRCustomScriptExtension.ps1 ` -ResourceGroupName <resource group name> ` -VMName "<VM name> ` -Location <location> ` -ScriptStorageAccountName <storage account name> ` -ScriptStorageAccountKey <storage account access key>
Verify that the script executed successfully. The output should appear as follows:
Further verify that the ArcGIS Data Store is configured correctly. Log on to the VM hosting the ArcGIS Data Store. Start PowerShell, and run the following command:
Code Block C:\ArcGIS\DataStore\tools\describedatastore.bat
The value Is-Point-in-time recovery enabled
should be Yes
for the relational data store.
Configure Site Backups
On a workstation (not the VM hosting the data store), start Windows PowerShell.
Set the execution policy to allow running unsigned scripts.
Code Block Set-EcecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
Connect to Azure. Enter appropriate login credentials at the login window.
Code Block Connect-AzureRMAccount
Run the script to configure ArcGIS Enterprise site backups:
Code Block .\CreateBackupCustomScriptExtension.ps1 ` -ResourceGroupName <resource group name> ` -VMName <VM name> ` -Location <location> -ScriptStorageAccountName <script storage account name> ` -ScriptStorageAccountKey <script storage account key> ` -BackupStorageAccountName <backup storage account name> ` -BackupStorageAccountKey <backup storage account key> ` -PortalAdminURL <portal admin URL> ` -PortalAdminUserName portal admin user name> ` -PortalAdminPassword <portal admin password>`
Verify that the script executed successfully. The output should appear as follows:
Further verify that the backup jobs are configured correctly. Log on the to VM hosting the Poral. Open the Task Scheduler, and verify that the backup scheduled tasks have been created:
*determine data loss and retention requirements from Dominic