Choose the appropriate license - Power Apps Centre of Excellence Request Form or Power Apps Per User License Request - Provide access to the acceptance environment for TSIS 2.0/ ROM
- Request myKEY and VPN GCSRA access
- Request PS / BA tools (make request to Samantha Tim for financial code / RC code)
- Lucidchart - provided an existing acct.
Scrum Master - Set up a meeting with the dev team on how PS/BA and developers work together
- Provide an overview of scrum events and answer questions as to how events are run in TSIS 2.0 and the role of the Product Strategist / BA Reference Guide: Scrum
- Daily Standup (optional)
- Retrospective
- Planning
- Refinement
- Requirements gathering/discovery and alignment
Items in bold are to be actioned soonest | Michael Dunning(AvSec) Jeremie Venne (ISSO)
- Product Owners meet with Sunny to bring up to date on their area; and, talk of ways of working well together
- POs invite PS/BA on existing meetings with end users.
| Confirm access to the following: |