Seeing a number of repeated layers that are only differentiated by some attribute is a sign that some guidance may be needed.
TCOMS - Integrated Web Application
TCOMS is a web application which integrates maps and lists spatial data from the eGIS platform. The app interacts with eGIS in the following ways:
It is assumed that GeoResources is populated by querying eGIS from the IMS server side
Active Incidents
An embedded web map showing a common operating picture
This page no longer makes references to the eGIS sandbox. The main HTML document takes around 6 seconds to load. It is assumed that calls are made to the eGIS portal on the server side. It may be a better experience to load the document quickly, and make the API calls on the client side.
This web map performs moderately well. The top contributors to loading time are:
COP - main, HTML document (2.85s)
dojo-lite.js - ESRI JSAPI (754ms)
dojo_en-us.js - Translation file (543ms)
This was inspected with Chrome Dev tools and it should be noted that the JavaScript library and translation would be cached and respond quickly on repeated requests.
Event details
The event details contain an embedded map: https://ncras559.tc.gc.ca:4343/en/Event/Details/2019-08-00170
The top loading contributors are:
Main HTML document (3.58s)
ArcGIS Online Hill shade (useful for a 2D map?) (635ms)
IMS_DEV_EVENT_PTS query (535ms)
Performance Aside, the event layer should probably be filtered to the target event as I’me seeing more than one. In fact, just a point may be sufficient as other details are already on the page. See this tutorial for an approach: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/intro-graphics/index.html
Best practices for publishing and symbolizing data must be followed regardless of our hardware.
Create map caches where possible
Data that can’t be cached should be stored and displayed in the fewest and simplest features possible
Follow ESRI’s Performance tips for uncached maps
Re-project all data to WGS84 Web Mercator
Avoid all re-projection on the fly
Test performance on all layers?
Web hooks, test new layers?