The call to action, typically in the form of a button, prompts the user to perform the action the modal is requesting of them. The text on this button should be action-oriented and make it clear to the user what decision or action they are performing. Depending on the purpose of the modal, ‘Confirm’, for consistency and clarity.
Dismiss modal
Modals should include a way ways for the user to close or dismiss the modal without performing the action being requested by them. This is typically done through a close or cancel button, or in two ways, via a ‘Cancel’ button to the left of the call to action, and an icon such as an “X”'X' in the top right corner.
Background disabled
When a modal is activated, background content is typically disabled to draw the user’s attention to the modal. A translucent overlay is often applied as well, further emphasizing the modal while reassuring the user they can return to their workflow afterward.