Viewing the details of the CAWIS EDM AAIR account
To view the details for the CAWIS EDM AAIR account open a command prompt.
Run the following command:
net user AAIR /domain. The information displayed includes the date of the next password expiration.
Managing the Password
The password currently expires every 90 days.
As discussed with IT:
the password cannot be optional because of the complexity of the application. It does something with a password key vault.
If the client or development teams require the password to never expire a request has to be submitted to IM/IT security.
As of October 3, 2023:, Avro Arrows team lead all developers members of the current AVRO Arrows Maintenance team have been provided access to change the password similar to the image below:
Changing the password
Method 1 (while logged in to GCSRA)
Press the following keys together: ctrl-alt-delete.
Select Change a password
Provide the old and new passwords in the textboxes
Update the password for CAWIS EDM Prod in PINS
Add an entry to the DSD CIVAV calendar, for the date range starting 10 days before the new password will expire. Include a link to this document./
Change TC\USERID to TC\AAIR per the example images below
Method 2 (signed out)
This is in alternate method you can use if Method 1 does not work for some reason or if you are signed out of your TC account.
If you are signed in to TC, press the following keys together : ctrl-alt-delete.
Follow steps 2 to 6 in method 1.