A red icon identifies a bug.
A blue one indicates a PBI
Yellow/gold identifies a task
Visual Studio Subscriptions:
My Subscriptions - Visual Studio Subscriptions Portal
Application information pages:
if the information on the information page for an application you have are working for is missing or changed please update it as part of your change.
Examples include but not limited to:
System Profile Information:
Subject Matter Expert is AVRO Arrows Maintenance Team
Technology Assessment:
Environment Access Information:
if the UNC information for development and acceptance is missing please add it. It can be derived based on the URL by referring to Server Paths - BSD - Civil Aviation - ConfluenceThe UNC information for production is intentionally not included in the application documentation pages.
Production is a restricted environment that is maintained by the web maintenance team.
If you need access to production files please reach out to the web technical team. They can provide you with the information you need or direct you to the appropriate resource.
If you fix a problem that is recurrent, add (or update if a document exists already) a document to our document repository for future development work ad to help colleagues in the team.