C-2 Power Platform Provisioning.
1. Intro | context
Whereby existing infrastructure documentation is technically oriented towards the minutia of environment configuration, this guide aims at presenting the essentials for understanding the cloud infrastructure and services available within TC for application developers and sets forth some governing best practices for provisioning virtual infrastructure and leveraging SaaS services.
In conveying this content, both internal TC documentation as well as public references are given to augment the general guidance. Collectively, the material contained within plus the direct document references should give a strong basis of understanding of the TC Cloud infrastructure & services and what each are used for as well as the current support channels for each – as available.
1. TC cloud infrastructure overview w/ OPIs and support channels
Whereby RDIMS-#16355261 - Overview TC pB Cloud Infrastructure in Azure gives detailed cloud platform insight, illustration 2.1 below summarizes the main elements of the TC cloud.
2.1 Our TC Cloud Infrastructure
Essentially there are two tenants to be considered for the purpose of application development and deployment. The Azure tenant is the Protected B (pB) environment of virtualized infrastructure and SaaS service offerings and the other tenant is the Power Platform tenant where Power Apps, including Dynamics 365 and Power Apps, are built and deployed. DevOps and M365 as SaaS are delivered through the Azure platform. The Common Data Service (CDS) within the Power Platform is enabled through Azure services. The main aspects of environment access, configuration and Center of Excellence (CoE) points of contact are as follows:
Azure Tenant – Virtualized infrastructure & SaaS services
§ CoE contact (Distribution List (DL)) TC Cloud / Infonuagique (TC) TC.Cloud-Infonuagique.TC@tc.gc.ca
§ Within the organization|domain, TC|TC, we have Resource Group TC-DevTest-ASDMaintenance-RG defined using subscription TC-DevTest-UC
Power Platform Tenant – Dynamics 365 & Power App development with CDS; Power Automate; Power BI
§ CoE contact (DL) <<unknown at this time>>
§ Wired into Azure services (e.g. for AD, O365);
§ The TC|TC (default) (org57f3981c) environment is not to be used as proper environments are to be established for the varying project purposes;
§ https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/environments - power platform admin center (create ENV): links to dynamics 365; power apps; power automate; power bi admin centers
§ https://make.powerapps.com/environments/2714a2b6-0dad-454e-9337-9042f5134bee/home - select ENV; create apps; flows
DevOps (DSD-ASD) SaaS through Azure – project development environment & task tracking, GIT codebase repositories.
§ CoE contact (DL) [TC-DevOpsChampions f998800b.034gc.onmicrosoft.com@ca.teams.ms]
§ https://dev.azure.com/transport-canada (TC’s organization)
§ https://dev.azure.com/transport-canada/DSD-ASD - DSD-ASD project organization within the Aircraft Services Directorate (ASD).
M365 SaaS through Azure – Enterprise subscription delivering O365, SharePoint, MS Teams, One Drive
§ CoE contact (DL) <<unknown at this time>>
All of these are accessible through user.name@034gc.onmicrosoft.com credentials; assuming licensing and environment configuration has been done for your account.
2.2 CoEs and Support Channels
This section highlights the organizational touch points for the varying aspects of cloud and identifies an OPI individual and support channel, where relevant. Note as organizational roles change this section will need to be kept current.
Key leaders & players in the Centers of Excellence:
Ken Morency - Azure | Cloud Infrastructure (CoE)
controls the main TC azure tenant.
Robert Robinson - Power Platform (Dynamics 365 & Power App); also, re: DevOps as stated by Bryen Begg: Azure DevOps SaaS solution is owned by Rob Robinson of Solution Centre.
Irina Krasteleva is driving a lot of this, and under her Michel Ouellette is the main resource administering the TC tenant. They have the CoE Toolkit and are standing up the CoE.
Pierre-Louis Ponton – M365|O365
Enterprise Architecture (EA): as of right now, reach out to the Manager of EA – Chris Gamberg. The named Director of Enterprise Architecture has still not been announced.
2.3 Licensing Considerations
Developer licenses:
For developer licenses and extra storage – TC purchases licenses through Dell:
Dev licenses are $81/user/month – part # Dyn365E for Customer Service - includes 250mb storage per user
Extra storage is $34/GB/month – part # CommonDataSrvcDBCpct
Case management licenses:
For user licenses – TC purchases licenses through theSoftchoice protected B contract.
$21.20/user/month and includes 250MB of storage per user – part # DYN365EFORCASEMGMT
The case management licenses include D365 (Model-driven Apps) and Canvas-Apps & also Power Automate (triggering or terminating in a Power App; see notes below) and covers all environments.
Power App – per app licenses:
For user licenses – TC has purchased direct from MS | standing offer for $11/app/month. This licensing model restricts the user to apps in a specific environment, e.g. PRD or ACC. It is intended for light touch users whereby a user can interact with 2 apps per environment under this model.
Standalone Automate solutions not tied to a Power App licensing has been confirmed with MS as covered by the enterprise site license for M365|O365 within the capacity and API request allotments.
Internet-facing portal licensing has yet to be worked out by the department.