- Provide introduction to RDIMS Request myKEY and VPN GCSRA access (Note from service desk (McDonough, Samuel): If you are a contactor or are trying to get a key prior to getting your first paycheck you must contact a Local Registration Authority to set it up manually) NCR LRAs (updated on 2022-11-09)Louise Graham, Blaise Mwenze, Boris Dakoure.
- Provide M365 Training Materials link https://wiki.gccollab.ca/M365/Home
- Provide Project Overview https://tcmarin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TSIS
- Share the Project Team members and key contacts/wiki/spaces/TSIS/pages/2507243678
- Provide an overview of the MS Teams channel and how the team uses it for collaboration
- Request Power Apps license
- Joelah to contact PACE team
- Provide
access to the acceptance environment for TSIS 2.0/ ROM - Request myKEY and VPN GCSRA access
- ROM environments URL and test accounts
- Update team info in the wiki: https://dev.azure.com/transport-canada/AFCCA/_wiki/wikis/AFCCA.wiki/2347/ROMbus
- Add to the ROMbus distribution list (FTE only)
- Request PS / BA tools (make request to Samantha Tim for financial code / RC code)
- Figma
- Lucid (?) - used by the Product Owner
- Balsamic
- Provided access to tools
- Lucidchart
- SnagIT (transfer in process)
- Balsamic
- Provide introduction to RDIMS
Scrum Master - Provide an overview of scrum events and answer questions as to how events are run in TSIS 2.0 and the role of the Product Strategist / BA Reference Guide: Scrum
- Did not include non Mandatory events:
- Daily Standup (optional)
- Retrospective
- Planning
- Refinement
- Requirements gathering/discovery and alignment
Items in bold are to be actioned soonest | - Product Owners meet with Raymond Tech Writer to bring up to date on their area; and, talk of ways of working well together
- Michael Dunning(AvSec)
- Jeremie Venne (ISSO)
| Confirm access to the following: to be updated: - Provide overview of upcoming UX features/ capabilities at sprint review
- Set up a meeting with the dev team on how UX and developer work together
- Joelah or Stephen to set up this meeting
- Set up meeting with ISSO end users - facilitated with the POs
- Invite to exiting meeting
- Set up meeting with AvSec send users - facilitated with the POs
- Invite to exiting meeting
- Confirm access to Figma
- Confirms receipt of instructions for setting up Figma account.
- Confirms understanding that he will share Figma files as 'view only' to avoid Samantha Tim getting charged for additional licenses.
- Confirm access completion of