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  • Includes All TC Continuing Airworthiness users – Role code AU=ADMIN

  • All TC regional airworthiness users – HU (allows 5008 & WSDRS read/update access)

  • All other TC Civil Aviation personnel – TU=Read only (allows 5008 & WSDRS read access)

  • Regional Principal Maintenance Inspectors (PMI) with SDR submitting companies reporting to them - WP (allows 5008 & WSDRS read/update access - same as role code HU, but with SDR inbox and notification features) PMI’s are identified by Userids crossrefenced to companies on the NACIS views.


Note: TC users NOT found on TC_directory_client are automatically set to inactive.

TC_directory_client sample


This category consists of retired personnel and inactive users previously imported from TC Directory.

Its mandatory that all CAWIS TC users, have a Userid that matches their TC Network id. To help manage this rule, CAWIS imports ALL TC_userid’s userid’s as they appear on TC Directory during the overnight sync job. They are saved with an NS (no services) role code until needed.

This helps is done to :

  • prevent data entry errors when allocating accounts for new staff (since the required ID will already be on file, the CAWIS manager need only assign a Role code and password ) This was a frequent issue when CAWIS was first released.

  • prevent conflicts with new external WSDRS Userids since they are allocated with the same logic as used by TC Directory. (Enhancement request : ALL new external WSDRS userids should be allocated with a numeric digit suffix)

III) WSDRS TC internal

TC users in these Organization the Organizations listed below have full update and submission access to both the 5008/AAIR subsystem and WSDRS. There are 4 TC User organizations in CAWIS/WSDRS






All of Continuing Airworthiness (AARDG)



The Suspected Unapproved parts section (AARTM)



All TC users where role-cd = "WP". The Principal Maintenance Inspector (PMI) organization is auto-maintained by finding any TC Userid’s listed as company PMI’s on the following views


A Userid meeting the above criteria and that is not already on organization #29986 will get auto-added to that group. Conversely, anyone in this group, not found on TC Directory is de-activated (deleted from M79, and set to inactive on A01)



Government of Canada, Department of Transport - Flight Services (AAFBA)

This is a special case organizationaccount, treated as both an internal and external organization with each user having role codes = "WO" (AMO SDR External submitter) and "HU" (TC internal CAWIS user))

ALL CAWIS users are stored on the A01_USER table with a Party_id linking to Y50_party, Y55_individual.

WSDRS external

Any SDR USER/SUBMITTER ALL WSDRS users are tied together into Organizations on the M79_SDR_SUBMITTER table

External accounts

An External account is any USER that is NOT found on TC_directory_client


and not having a email domain

All External accounts pertain to the WSDRS subsystem.

CAWIS has a public Airworthiness Directive page and a public SDR search page, neither of these pages require user accounts.

The public AAIR subsystem requires a user ACCESS Code, (tied to user Client_id/party_id) which maps directly to the system userid CLIENT.

System userid’s

Some Examples of system Ids - “CLIENT”, “ccarcsupd”, “AAIRRUN” etc . . .

These are Specific purpose userids that are never to be altered or deactivated.

A Full list is available at Z980_TERM_CONVERSION where Term_type_cd = “SYSID”



Quite often, a PMI (organization 29986) will complain that they are not receiving automatic notifications from their designated companies.

PMI userid/COMPANY mapping is performed in these NACIS views :


which in turn, populate these CAWIS tables, daily



So it becomes necessary to review, which companies are assigned to which users and possibly contact NACIS management for data updates.

Go into edit mode on that PMI’s Userid, and click “switch to user view”


The check the companies assigned to that person by clicking “PMI TOOLBOX” on the left-hand menu.

Image Added


  1. There are primary, secondary and third userids assigned to many companies. The first non-null Userid found, is deemed to be the PMI for a given company

  2. Many companies have NO PMI/user assigned

  3. Occasionally companies change name - this poses a problem with numbered companies, CAWIS does not see trade names. NACIS lookup required in these instances. If you alter the License_number assigned to a company in CAWIS, it will find the correct PMI in NACIS afterward.

  4. There are many companies assigned to retired TC personnel, however these all pertain to inactive companies. The Emails assigned to these users are “SDRS@TC.GC.CA” to notify SDR management, in case there was ever to be some sort of activity on SDR’s associated with an inactive company.

  5. There are many PMI’s with NO companies assigned to them. They have been allocated to org 29986 because they are CASI’s (Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors) and they need to be able to produce “comprehensive” SDR reports (as opposed to “Concise” SDR reports that are provided to the public and lower security level CAWIS users) The WP role code allows for this.