Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Must be done on Tuesday & Thursday every week.

The following are required in order to be able to process the reports:

  1. access to the folders in ncrws548for FOAEA.

    1. To gain provided access to this folder (normally part of Pre-Onboarding ) you or Alain can :

      1. log an Orion request “Request Access to a Shared Network Folder”.

        • request modify access to \\TC4S0A\GROUPS\AARA\AARAD\ and all subfolders.

  2. access to the mailbox.

    1. to gain access log an Orion ticket for Shared (generic mailbox)

      • Name of Shared (generic) mailbox or its email address is DSD FOAEA / LAEOEF DGSN

    2. To add the FOAEA shared mailbox to your outlook, refer to Shared Mailbox Mapping Procedure from Step 6. “Add an Account”.

      1. the account being added is

      2. important re the instructions for the account to connect with (per : in step 8, it uses use your email address and your password, not FOAEA credentials)

  3. Additional permissions are required on the account Team members need additional permissions in order to be able to open the emails, see Decryption permissions - BSD - Civil Aviation - Confluence (

  4. Access To access to RDIMS document #8026700:

    1. Launch the Windows DM Extension from your computer’s desktop.

    2. Click RDIMS in the upper right hand pane of the dialog.
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    3. Select Search.

    4. Search for 8026700

    - if
    1. .
      image-20240229-123141.pngImage Added

    2. Right click the document name (8026700).

    3. Select Check-out. If you don’t have access, ask

    Alain Asgill.
    1. a team lead.
      image-20240229-123530.pngImage Added

    2. Add your changes to the end of the document.

    3. Save and close the document.

    4. Important: once you are finished, Right click the document. Select Check-in. Otherwise, other team members won’t be able add their updates.

  5. If an email accidentally gets moved to an incorrect folder such as Archive, Deleted, etc., to move it back to the inbox select the one with the mailbox name on it and not “inbox”.
    Inbox is your own TC outlook inbox Right click on a file you want to move, choose move to 'Other folder” , choose the FOAEA inbox

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FOAEA System Information


FOAEA Data Transfer Log


Instructional Video of Processing method

Video is available at :

Note: this MP4 is about 2.4GB - it works much better if you copy to C:\ before attempting playback
A smaller (low res) version is available here as well :


Part 1 - Process outgoing files to be sent to Justice Canada (steps 2-6) - Outgoing files should have “SIL' inside file names
Part 2 - Process incoming files sent from Justice (steps 7-14)15) - Incoming files should have “SOL” inside file names

PART 1 - Process Outgoing

  1. Create a FOAEA folder on your desktop, with 2 subfolders: Incoming and Outgoing.Go to .

    1. if you already created the Incoming and Outgoing folders, make sure they are empty.

  2. Copy the files from \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\OutputMail.Move the files into your Outgoing desktop folder.

  3. Select all the files from this ‘Outgoing’ desktop folder and encrypt them (right-clickEntrust Encrypt Entrust Files).

    1. Ensure that the “Encrypt the files for other …. “ check box is checked off. Click Next.

    2. Click Add“Add”.

    3. Search for FOAEAEXC and click through the next few steps.

  4. The encrypted files have the extension p7m.

    • To see file extension, enable the checkbox for “File name extensions by going to the Window Menu->View->File name extensions.

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  5. Delete the unencrypted (extension xml) files from your Outgoing desktop folder.

  6. Copy the Outgoing encrypted files into (extension p7m) from “Outgoing” folder \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\ArchiveOut and delete the unencrypted files.

    • xml files should not be copied to the ArchiveOut directory.

  7. Delete the files in \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\OutputMail after archiving files in step 5steps 3,4,5.

    • The “OutputMail” folder should be empty.

  8. Send each outgoing encrypted file from Outgoing desktop folderin a separate email to both and Mark it as Protected B. For ex, if

    • If there are two encrypted files, there must be two

    • separate emails.


  • From:

  • To:;

  • Subject: Name of file being sent.

  • Don’t forget to mark the email as Protected B.

  • Include your signature


  • .

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  1. Go to \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\InputMail.

    • Delete the existing files corresponding to the files sent. (only delete the files that have the same number as those you just sent by email to Justice Canada).

PART 2 - Process Incoming

  1. Empty your local ‘Incoming’ desktop folder.

  2. Open the DSD FOAEA / LAEOEF DGSN ( inbox, save .

  3. Save the files from the new emails into your Incoming desktop folder & mark the ‘Incoming’ desktop folder.

    • When you open the emails to move the files, the files are Decryptedautomatically.

  4. Mark the Unprocessed emails with the “Processedcategory tag.

  5. Select all the files and decrypt them (Right-clickDecrypt & Verify).

  6. Category tag in the Inbox (Click on the ‘Lock’ symbol).

  7. To prepare for the next file transfer:

    • Go to \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\InputMail

    .Move encrypted files from Incoming
  8. Delete the existing files in here (only delete the files that have the same number as those you just sent by email).

  9. Move decrypted files into the InputMail folder.

    • copy Decrypted files from Step 3-Incoming local desktop folder into theInputMail (\\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\InputMail) folder.

  10. Copy same Decrypted files from ‘Incoming’ local desktop folder to \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\ArchiveIn.

  11. Update Retrieve the log file ( RDIMS #document 8026700), for example entering this information, as explained at the beginning of this document.

    1. Add the following updates :

      1. Date.

      2. Sequence number (previous number incremented by 1).

      3. the incoming and outgoing files you processed.

      4. your initials.

        Image Modified
  12. Update your task “Justice Canada-Family Order..” with the above information from the RDIMS by copying the whole row from RDIMSPermanently delete the files from your local folders. (or else you can make a backup for later trouble shoot if there is any error), paste into the task’s discussion box:

    1. notify the team leader, and product owner.

    2. mark the task “Done”.

  13. Don’t' forget to check the document back into RDIMS once you have finished editing it.
    There should not be a red-check mark next to the name of the document in the Windows Explorer DM Extension and it should not show “checked out”. The status can be verified by right clicking the document and selecting “History”.

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The process ends here. The


following steps are for verification/debugging errors:


Files in \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\OutputMail get uploaded to ACES and DAPLS at 1 AM.

Only 2 files in \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\InputMailcan be processed each night. →

Need to find out what program is processing these files.

\\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\FOAEA.EXE ?

To check log files:

  1. \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\FoaeaLog

    • Verify that the files added have “Database download successful” message.

  2. \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEADownload\Log

    • Verify that connection to DAPLS and ACES was successful.


Details in PBI #195723 - August 2022

In this instance, 2 output files at (\\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\OutputMail) produced by the overnight job, were destroyed during the encryption process. (*SIL* files)


However we did still have the input files (*SOL* files) both in the email bucket and on the server at (\\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\FOAEA\ArchiveIn)


  • Have their database ignore cycles 7087 & 7088

  • Reprocess that data into new files - cycles 7101 & 7102

  • Have those new files process as part of our normal sequencing


The procedure should be supplemented to add a new directory called OutputMail-Backup.
