The team receive the URL and credentials from Alicia Hogue on July 23rd, 2019 and two three different proof-of-concepts were developed to publish data to EGIS Portal.
Python Script
This is a simple solution. After downloading csv from DND’s AIS data feed link, upload this csv to Portal as a service directly. Then periodically update the service through updating the underline GDB file by using the following script:
import arcpy
import os
arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/data"
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("features.csv", os.path.join("outgdb.gdb", "myfeatures"), "POINT")
The frequency of updating the feature service directly from Portal is so high and the GDBs (each is around 60MB) are kept in the temporal folder all the time which caused the C: drive full and crashed the ArcGIS Server system.
This solution is discarded.
Two separated services were created using FME desktop to publish AIS data on EGIS Dev Portal.
Currently the AIS feed is publicly available on Sandbox in the following link: https://sbxweb.tcgis.ca/portal/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=9b657e410e654331b0bb084ee9567b50
During the sprint 29 this service will be moved to Pilot environment where it will be shared with entire organization.On Pilot PROD: