Clone the code to your local folder. The code can be found at Support/_git/CAMIS Report Generator. From some developer’s experience: Cloning the code inside C:\user\{userId} will cause errors. It is recommended to clone the code outside ‘user’ folder such as C:\Projects\CAMIS_autoweekly\ |
Open the project in Visual Studio.
Run the application.
If you are getting errors building the project, you may be missing some files that can be found here:\tc4s0a\Groups\AARA\AARAD\CAMIS\CAMIS Report Generator
Production User Database
. Click Next.Keep the defaults in “Step 2: Select Util function” (don’t change anything). Click Next.
Navigate to the folder specified in step 2 and into the folder for today’s date. Click Save.
The app will automatically create a folder, with the current date, in the “c:\Users” folder for your account:
Example: C:\Users\dertinn\OneDrive - TC TC\_AAIR_2 (5)\CAMIS Auto-Generated ReportsWait while the script runs again for the all regions (total of 7 regions).
A popup saying that the “Incoming eMER report and auto-accept script done!” should appear. Click OK,
Wait while the script runs again for the next region (total of 7 regions).
Repeat steps 6-8 until “done” popup appears.
You should now have 7 Excel files in the folder as well as 7 scripts that have opened up.
Run each script using CAMIS_DATA_ADMIN@CAMISP, making sure to commit the changes after running each script. Also make sure you don’t run a script twice.
Send an encrypted email to the clients to let them know, choose “Protected B”“Protected B”, replace the signature in the template with your own info.
Attach all the Excel documents.
Send to (, ;, ;, ;, ;, ;, ;, ;
Walker, Akii Yah <>
Kapetis, Gale <>
Lee, Brenda <>
Santos, Maria <>
Carter, Terry <>
Wali Alami, Aouab <>
Ferrer, Mary <>
Michelle Tan <>
CC: Baptiste, Daniel <>
Subject: 20210908 Weekly Auto-Accept eMER completed
Code Block Good afternoon, The weekly auto-accept for your region has been run and completed. Withwith the following parameters: eMERs that are: • external and submitted • renewed by CAME • not in diabetes or SSRI • not deferred to RAMO • not initial applicant Please see attached for the report. Thank you, Michelle Le A/Team Lead, Application Development Solution Centre, Digital Services Directorate Transport Canada / Government of Canada Chef d'équipe p.i., Dévelopment des applications Centre des solutions, Direction générale des services numériques Transports Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
12. Backup the files to the shared location, similar to the example, but with its own corresponding task #
to \\Tc4s0a\groups\AARA\AARAD\CAMIS\developer documents\CAMIS_Weekly_Auto-Accept\
\\Tc4s0a\groups\AARA\AARAD\CAMIS\developer documents\CAMIS_Weekly_Auto-Accept\261463
13. Permanently delete the files from your local drive.
View file | ||