Type certificate holder : The airframe designer which is usually also the aircraft manufacturer but for older aircraft where the manufacturer is no longer in existence then an alternative holder may be agreed by the State of Design.
Type certification is the approval of the design of the aircraft and all component parts (including propellers, engines, control stations, etc.). It signifies the design is in compliance with applicable airworthiness, noise, fuel venting, and exhaust emissions standards.
WSDRS receives reports from industry users. The Technical Inspectors in Continuing Airworthiness (CAW-TI) and the regional PMI’s for each company, review these reports, possibly make alterations and add notes, and when warranted they check off a box that “forwards” the report to the type certificate holder (Mfg/TCH).
ie) they notify the manufacturers of issues with their products
The TCH accounts require careful maintenance in terms of assigning the proper manufacturer/models to their correct organizations to ensure these notifications happen. They are maintained by the CAW-TI’s.
In early days of CAWIS, there were less than a dozen TCH organizations and they were easily kept up to date manually.
At present, there are 70+ organizations and there are several data related issues causing
i) failed notifications
ii) incorrect reports in users inboxes
WSDRS management has been made aware of the issue.
An SDR pertaining to an unassigned mfg/model (not found on TR87) will not get forwarded to any TCH account. This includes “aliased” models, where the Model and TATC code (Type Approval or Type Certificate code) for 2 entries are identical, but the manufacturers are different. Each unique Manufacturer/model combination must be specifically assigned to a TCH User/organization.
“Aliased” models are identified in detail on the MAKEMODEL.XLSX report at
\ncrfs345\AARD\AARD Public\CAWIS-REPORTSThe models assigned to each User within a TCH organization need to be identical for all. The entire TCH organization will see ALL reports for ALL models assigned to ALL users within that org in their Inboxes (this issue has specifically caused much confusion with Bombardier TCH accounts in the past).
If individualized models are required for specific users, its strongly recommended that a separate TCH organization be created, possibly having just one user, and the models of responsibility for that person then be attached. It is NOT a problem to break up a manufacturer into separate TCH Organizations each looking after its own set of models.
if any given model is assigned to Users of more then 1 TCH organization (Those having different Organization numbers - examples FAA-CESSNA TCH & BEECH-TCH), both of those organizations will see the same TCH forwarded reports in their inboxes and both are then able to comment on them under the Supplementary text tab. They will both receive email notifications on updates to each report as well.
Unfortunately this also means, that any SDR submitted by either TCH organization, will automatically appear in the inbox for both the submitter and the other TCH org with a user assigned to that model
Frequently, SDR reports are SUBMITTED BY users in a TCH Organization (Note : any report ORIGINATING from a TCH organization is auto-marked in the “sent to TCH” flag, on M72, meaning that they are already aware of the report - as per Bell Helicopter request, 2017)
When creating a new TCH user, do not “start new” without doing a search on all existing TCH organizations. You will create a likely create a new (unwanted) organization in the process (submitter organization id) that needs to be cleaned up later. When allocating a new TCH, try to find an existing TCH organization for that manufacturer. Most of the major commercial manufacturers already have accounts allocated.
Creating a NEW MFG/TCH organization
If a matching TCH organization for the desired manufacturer cannot be found,
i) begin from the WSDRS userid main menu, and
ii) do the full Userid data entry and mfg/model assignment for a new MFG/TCH user/organization,
If a matching TCH organization for the desired manufacturer is found,
i) go into edit mode on any existing user account of the matching TCH
ii) click "Add to account" at the bottom, then create a new userid
iii) assign mfg/models to that user - The same models already allocated to the other users under this TCH
i) a TCH organization can be renamed at any time but all will be assigned the suffix (tch) for easier identification
ii) you cannot assign models to an account that does not have the role code = 'WM'
To review WSDRS TCH account issues see report WSDRSTCH.xlsx at
Tab 1 - unreferenced models,
Tab 2 - Double assigned models,
Tab 3 - All Userid/Manufacturer/Model assignments,
Tab 4 - A list of all registered WSDRS TCH organizations
There is also a copy under attachments to this article