System Profile
System Full Name | CAWIS Electronic Distribution Module |
Business Administrator | Sylvie Blais |
Business Owner | Marc Caouette |
Director | Philippe Ngassam (Acting) |
Subject Matter Expert | Alexandre Bédard |
Division | National Aircraft Certification |
NTARS Code | CA60(?) |
Source Location | |
Source Code Location | |
Migration to DevOps | |
New Source Code Location (DevOps) | Support/_git/CAWIS-EDM |
Technology Assessment
Platform Type | Console |
Database Platform and Version | Oracle 18c |
Development Language and Framework | VB.NET |
Operating System and Version | Windows Server 2016 |
Additional Dependencies | TC Mailer, Mailbee, RightFax |
Authentication | None |
Environment Access Information
DEV | \\ncrws514\d$\Scripts\CivAv\CAWIS-EDM (Dev) | CAWISD | ||
ACC | CAWISA | |||
System Overview
Good To Know
How-To and Fixes
Doing a run of EDM (Notice or overdue)
PRIOR TO EXECUTION - ask the client if the AAIR-fleets are up to date. Fleet reporters are not to be included in the EDM. The FLEET report is available from the CAWIS reports menu.
[Optional] Ask the client if they have new templates (see below for more details on how to update them).
When the scheduled time for the run approaches (10 minutes), go to the EDM folder (See Dev UNC in table above).
Open the “CAWIS_EDM.exe.config“ file. Make sure that the configuration “ClientEmailAddress” has your email address to receive the reports at the end of each steps.
In the “Scripts” folder, open the file “LaunchEDM.bat” file.
Remove the “rem” at the start of the file. This will un-comment the actual execution of EDM.
Depending of which type of run, some settings will need to be changed.
For “-TYPE”, if the run is for notices, put “AAIR_NOTICE” after the equal sign. For overdues, put “AAIR_OVERDUE” instead.
For “-STEP”, put the following value after the equal sign depending on which part of the run you are at (listed in the normal order): “EMAIL”, “EMAIL_PARSING”, “FAX”, “FAX_PARSING”, “FTP”.
[Optional] You may want to change the name of the log file. Any name is fine.
Note: To monitor the execution, you can open the log file in a text editor and reload it whenever you want an update. (I suggest Notepad++ since it makes reloading the file easier)
When the step is finished, put back the “rem” at the beginning to the batch file.
Send the confirmation email received from EDM to the client.
Return to step 4 until all the steps have been done (usually the FTP step). The recommended time between the steps is at least 3 days.
Important: Make sure that “rem” is at the beginning of the batch file to avoid that the program execute itself on other months.
Updating the notice or overdue email template (For developers)
Using Toad or SQL Developer, on the CAWISP database, download the template by looking at the “ATTACHMENT_NAME_NM” column in the table “CAWIS.A33_CAWIS_ATTACHMENTS”. The notice template is named “AAIR_NOTICE-1-en.txt” and the overdue template, “AAIR_OVERDUE-1-en.txt”. The data is located in ATTACHMENT_RAW.
Note: even if the attachment name says .txt, this is actually an HTML file.Open the file in an HTML editor, such as Notepad++.
Update the template using the client provided template.
Replace any wildcard value with the placeholders below.
Save the template and upload it to the same location as step 1.
Open CAWIS_EDM.exe.config and make sure that your email is in the “SmokeTestEmailInternal” setting.
Execute CAWIS-EDM using the following command using either the command prompt or Powershell: .\CAWIS_EDM.exe -TESTMODE
Select the option “1 – Internal Email Test” and wait for the email to arrive in your inbox.
Check the received email for any discrepancies with the client provided template.
Send the received email to the client for approval.
Keyword | Description |
%AAIR_YEAR% | Last Year (From EDM run date) |
%TAIL_MARK% | Aircraft tailmark |
%LAST_YEAR% | Last Year (From today) |
%TODAY_PLUS1_MONTH% | One month from today |
%CAWIS_URL% | CAWIS homepage URL |
%HELP_URL_FRA% | CAWIS french help URL |
%SENT_MONTH_ENG% | Month on which the AAIR notice was issued (Fullname) |
%SENT_MONTH_FRA% | French month on which the AAIR notice was issued (Fullname) |
%DUE_DATE% | AAIR due date (Calculated from EDM run date) |
Updating the notice or overdue fax template
Using Toad or SQL Developer, on the CAWISP database, download the template by looking at the “ATTACHMENT_NAME_NM” column in the table “CAWIS.A33_CAWIS_ATTACHMENTS”. The notice template is named “AAIR_NOTICE-2-en.txt” and the overdue template, “AAIR_OVERDUE-2-en.txt”. The data is located in ATTACHMENT_RAW.
Note: even if the attachment name says .txt, this is actually an HTML file.Open the file in an HTML editor, such as Notepad++.
Update the template using the client provided template.
Replace any wildcard value with the placeholders below.
Save the template and upload it to the same location as step 1.
Open CAWIS_EDM.exe.config and make sure that your fax number is in the “SmokeTestFax” setting.
Execute CAWIS-EDM using the following command using either the command prompt or Powershell: .\CAWIS_EDM.exe -TESTMODE
Select the option “3 - Fax Test” and wait for the fax to arrive.
Check the received fax for any discrepancies with the client provided template.
Either re-run the fax test using the client fax number or send a scan of the received fax to the client for approval.
Keyword | Description |
@@AAIR_ACCESS_CODE | Aircraft access code (Confidential information) |
@@CAWIS_URL | CAWIS homepage URL |
@@AAIR_ISSUE_DATE | AAIR issue date |
@@AAIR_DUE_DATE | AAIR due date |
@@TAILMARK | Aircraft tailmark |
@@AIRCRAFT_TATC | Aircraft TACT code |
@@AUTHORITY | Aircraft type of authority |
@@PURPOSE | Aircraft purpose |
@@BASE_COUNTRY | Aircraft country |
@@BASE_PROVINCE | Aircraft province |
@@BASE_MUNICIPALITY | Aircraft municipality |
@@BASE_AIRPORT | Aircraft airport |
@@BASE_OTHER | Aircraft other location |
@@BASE_REGION | Aircraft region |
@@REPORTING_YEAR | Year before issue date (Format: JAN 1 TO DEC 31, {REPORTING_YEAR}) |
@@OWNER_NAME | Owner name |
@@ADDRESS_1 | Owner primary address |
@@CITY_PROV | Owner city and province |
@@POSTAL_CODE | Owner postal code |
@@AIRCRAFT_MAKE | Aircraft manufacturer |
@@AIRCRAFT_MODEL | Aircraft model |
@@AIRCRAFT_SERIAL | Aircraft serial number |
@@ENGINE_MAKE | Engine(s) manufacturer |
@@ENGINE1_MODEL | First engine model |
@@ENGINE1_SERIAL | First engine serial number |
@@ENGINE2_MODEL | Second engine model |
@@ENGINE2_SERIAL | Second engine serial number |
@@ENGINE3_MODEL | Third engine model |
@@ENGINE3_SERIAL | Third engine serial number |
@@ENGINE4_MODEL | Fourth engine model |
@@ENGINE4_SERIAL | Fourth engine serial number |
@@PROP_MAKE | Propeller(s) manufacturer |
@@PROP1_MODEL | First propeller model |
@@PROP1_SERIAL | First propeller serial number |
@@PROP2_MODEL | Second propeller model |
@@PROP2_SERIAL | Second propeller serial number |
@@PROP3_MODEL | Third propeller model |
@@PROP3_SERIAL | Third propeller serial number |
@@PROP4_MODEL | Fourth propeller model |
@@PROP4_SERIAL | Fourth propeller serial number |
@@SKI_MAKE | Ski manufacturer |
@@SKI_MODEL | Ski model |
@@FLOAT_MAKE | Float manufacturer |
@@FLOAT_MODEL | Float model |
@@TC_LINE1 | Formatted tailmark (Format: TRANSPORT CANADA {Tailmark}) |
@@TC_LINE2 | TC address (First line) |
@@TC_LINE3 | TC address (Second line) |
@@TC_LINE4 | TC city and province (Format: {City} {Province}) |
@@TC_LINE5 | TC postal code |
@@EMPTY_ACTUAL | Aircraft actual empty weight |
@@EMPTY_AMENDED | Aircraft amended empty weight |
@@MAX_WEIGHT | Aitcraft maximum takeoff weight |
@@ACTUAL_DATE | Last updated date of aircraft actual weight |
@@AMENDED_DATE | Last updated date of aircraft amended weight |
@@EMAIL_ADDRESS | Aircraft email address |
@@FAX_NPA | Numbering plan area of the owner fax number |
@@FAX_NXX | Central office code of the owner fax number |
@@FAX_NUM | Line number of the owner fax number |
@@AW | Checked if actual landing configuration is 'WHEELS' (Format: X) |
@@AF | Checked if actual landing configuration is 'FLOATS' (Format: X) |
@@AS | Checked if actual landing configuration is 'SKIS' (Format: X) |
@@AMW | Checked if amended landing configuration is 'WHEELS' (Format: X) |
@@AMF | Checked if amended landing configuration is 'FLOATS' (Format: X) |
@@AMS | Checked if amended landing configuration is 'SKIS' (Format: X) |
@@TKOFFW | Checked if takeoff configuration is 'WHEELS' (Format: X) |
@@TKOFFF | Checked if takeoff configuration is 'FLOATS' (Format: X) |
@@TKOFFS | Checked if takeoff configuration is 'SKIS' (Format: X) |
EDM General Help
Sends notice to aircraft owners about upcoming AAIR due date.
Flag Name | Description [Possible Values] |
-DATE= | Date to use (YYYY-MM-DD format) |
-WAIT | Wait for user input when execution is finished |
-TESTMODE | Enter in test mode. Allow individual testing of each modules. Warning: This will request console input from the user. This will hang the application if used in a scheduled task. |
-FINDMAIL | Allow searching the mailbox using a message ID. Warning: This will open a interactive window that must be interacted with using a mouse. This will hang the application if used in a scheduled task. |
-PARSEMAIL | Parse email without adding entry in the database Warning: This will open a interactive window that must be interacted with using a mouse. This will hang the application if used in a scheduled task. |
-DIAGNOSTIC | Check flag consistency for this month entries. Output log to current folder. |
-SMOKETEST | Send test email and fax and test the FTP and mailbox connection. |
-SIMULATION | Emails and faxes aren't being sent, but still logs the operations. |
-?, -USAGE | Show this help. |
The program should be run 3 times (Step 1, 2, 3) per month with 3 days between to allow for bounces for each notice type (Regular notices, Overdue notices).
If you don't provide a date parameter today's date will be used. The resulting date used is always set to the first day of the given month
If you run with no parameters the program will send a test email, fax and test the FTP file access
Step 99 can be run in order to clear out previous inbox entries, database log entries and sent faxes
In case of program failure the program is designed to allow a re-run of a step any number of times.
Editing CAWIS EDM Template for notice and overdue notification (for CAWIS user)
Requires: Basic knowledge of HTML, CAWIS administrator account, Access to the internal version of CAWIS
Retrieving the HTML template
Login into CAWIS using credentials that have the AU role (administrative privilege).
Go to “Code Table Admin”, then “General” and then “CAWIS Attachments”.
Click on the template to edit and save it.
Rename the file extension from “.txt” to “.htm”.
Editing the HTML template
Open the file in a text editor.
[Optional] Open the file in a browser. This will let you see the changes you make when you save them and refresh the page in the browser.
Edit the file with the needed changes. All valid placeholders are located in “Code Table Admin” > “EDM” > “EDM Keywords”.
Note: Everything must resides within the HTML file. No external resource (such as images) are to be included, except for hyperlinks. Images can be included if encoded using Base64 directly into the HTML code.Save the file.
[Optional] Refresh the browser page previously opened and check for any problem.
Upload the HTML template
Go back to the “CAWIS Attachments” page.
Select the template to edit and click on “Upload”.
Upload the file using the “Browse” button. DO NOT check the “Update filename” checkbox.
Click on “Save”.
Validate the HTML template
Submit a ticket to the CAWIS development team to execute a test run for email or fax templates.
Wait for the test run to be complete. You will receive an email with placeholders replaced by test values.
POST EDM - Parsing the data
A week or so, after an EDM run, we want to identify any email addresses where we received bounce-backs, so that the Publications unit can eliminate these from CAWIS. To accomplish this, we run the -PARSEMAIL function.
Note : A query like this, will let you know if the data has been parsed properly
Basically, we're searching AA003 for failures ( notification status = 3 ) where the client had a legitimate looking email. This success/fail info will be available to CAWIS admin, on the AAIRDATA report, next day
Yes, it is possible that there were NO bad emails in the EDM run, but this would be a very rare occurrence.