DevOps PBI Add missing Edit buttons/ implement ability to edit - MOTA reports for ASIS reports
NORMS reports are initiated:
ORby an automatic process.
Automatically generated reports are “ASIS” reports.
The current production version of NORMS does not support editing the:
occurrence including summary text
ground injuries
of the two types of ASIS reports:
Technical Advisor Report (occurrence class id = 99). An example of such a report
is TSB_OCCURRENCE_ID = A22F0291Minister’s Observer Report (occurrence class id = NULL) such as TSB_OCCURRENCE_ID = A16P0161
It is possible to edit these details for a Manual report
There are three related tasks that have overlapping requests with the following requirements:
Retain existing ability to correctly edit Manual reports such as TSB_OCCURRENCE_ID = A21F0177
Implement ability to edit occurrence, location and ground details in
ASIS Technical Advisor reports such as TSB_OCCURRENCE_ID = A22F0291
andASIS Minister Observer reports such as TSB_OCCURRENCE_ID = A16P0161
Task 1: 199961 Add missing Edit buttons/ implement ability to edit - MOTA reports for ASIS reports (Noreen)
Part A tab (manual and two types of ASIS reports):
enable the editing of the Occurrence information such as summary text, location details and ground injuries.
display the Time Zone, that is shown when editing the occurrence details, in the report page for Tab A.
total will continue to be a calculated value.
Subtasks created to-date:
Task 2. 174505 Incorrect data in a MOTA report (Siamak)
Part B tab (manual and two types of ASIS reports):
enable the editing of the Fatalities/Injures section.
no results foundTotal will continue to be a calculated value.
Task 3. 174542 Ability to manually populate all data fields in MOTA reports (Dean)
manual and two types of ASIS reports
The screenshot provided in the screenshot of this task is a duplicate of work already completed in development.
Visual Studio version used
VS 2022. Code changes have been committed/synced to the repos.
Developer testing:
UAT Testing (Acceptance):
Draft SM-GS - not yet submitted, is C255048
Publishing / Deploying
The web config
Localhost: update the last modified date.