Set up 2FA PROD account by directing inserting GCkey MBun info (this below script is provided by Michelle Le) → if we want the access to eMER prod as CAMIS admin
Developers should not be added as a CAME via CAMIS Admin on Production because developers should not be listed in the CAME drop-down. |
You will require a unique stakeholder id in the table AC040 for an external account. Get next value from sequence: SELECT AC040_STAKEHOLDER_ID_SEQ.nextval FROM dual; **This will be used as the STAKEHOLDER_ID for the external (CAME account) You will also require a 12 character password which is separate from the password for a CAMIS internal account. Note: GLOBAL_USERID_LBL is just a random string of 12 alphanumeric characters. You can use sites like StrongPasswordGenerator (Get a Safe Password Now) - Privacy Canada to generate the string Replace the values in the example with those pertaining to the new CAME account for developers. Example: Phuong stakeholder id = 3670, Mbun is [yourMBUN], GLOBAL_USERID_LBL = 1VBEZE4QB4HZ, Activation_CODE_TXT: 1CPQKPBFSS3C8JSA INSERT INTO TWOFA.AC040_STAKEHOLDER (STAKEHOLDER_ID, STAKEHOLDER_TYPE_CD, NAME_FIRST_NM, NAME_LAST_NM, STAKEHOLDER_CREATED_ID, GLOBAL_USERID_LBL, USER_LAST_UPDATE_ID) VALUES (3670, 2, 'Phuong', 'Nguyen', 1, '1VBEZE4QB4HZ', 1); INSERT INTO TWOFA.AC002_XREF_APPLICATION_USER (STAKEHOLDER_ID, APPLICATION_CD, ROLE_CD, STAKEHOLDER_CREATED_ID, USER_LAST_UPDATE_ID) VALUES (3670, 1, 1, 1, 1); Insert into TWOFA.AC044_EXTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER (STAKEHOLDER_ID, STAKEHOLDER_TYPE_CD, IDENTITY_ISSUER_TXT, IDENTITY_MBUN_NUM, ACTIVATION_CODE_TXT, DATE_ACTIVATED_DTE, TELEPHONE_NUMBER_NUM, STAKEHOLDER_CREATED_ID, DATE_CREATED_DTE, DATE_LAST_UPDATE_DTE, USER_LAST_UPDATE_ID) Values (3670, '2', '', '[yourMBUN]', '1CPQKPBFSS3C8JSA', SYSDATE, '3435480275', 1, SYSDATE, SYSDATE, 1); if you don't have a GCKey for eMER Production already, you will need to sign up for one. Find [yourMBUN] by go to this link UPDATE TWOFA.AC044_EXTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER SET IDENTITY_MBUN_NUM = '[yourMBUN] WHERE STAKEHOLDER_ID = 3670