Creating a Change Request in SM-GS/SMGS

Creating a Change Request in SM-GS/SMGS

Steps on how to create a change request from scratch, however we usually copy an existing change request (next section).


Past change requests:

  • Acceptance: C248908 (DB), C253819 (DB)

  • Production: C253898 (DB & Code), eMER (DB & Code) C254252, C248920 (DB), C251932 (Code), C252194 (DB & Code)

  • Database Refresh: C255946

  1. Open SM-GS, click on Change Management, expand Changes, then click on Open New Change.

  2. Select “Software” or “Maintenance” (depending on the change).

  3. Fill in all the info.

Copy an existing change request

  1. Search for a similar change & determine which one you want to copy

  2. Open the change in SM-GS

  3. Click on More, then Copy Record

  4. Update the information in the form

    • Change Detail tab: Planned Start/End - must be min 3 business days from change creation. Note: At this time of writing (2023-05-02), it is known to us that any Production change has to go through CAB which is every Tuesday at 11 am. So we have to schedule Production change on Wednesdays

    • Initiated by / Change Coordinator - set to your user ID

    • Assignment Group - CAAST

    • Service - application being deployed/modified

    • Affected CI

    • Environment - Acceptance or Production

    • Title - “ENV - Full App Name (Acronym) - Title of Change - Version #”

      • ACC - Activity Reporting and Standards System (ARASS) - Update database package PK_ARASS_REPORT

      • ACC - Electronic Medical Examination Report (eMER) - Add stored proc to a package

      • PROD - Civil Aviation Medical Information System (CAMIS) / Electronic Medical Examination Report (eMER) - Release 4.5.7

      • Prod - Activity Reporting and Standards System (ARASS)/ Système de Normes avec Rapports d'Activités

    • Description - a short description of the change that is being made.

      • If this is a PROD change with a database change, include the change request # for the associated Acceptance change (which is approved to advance to PROD)

    • Impact/Justification tab

      • Impact statement - how long is the outage if any

      • Justification - can copy the description text

    • Backout Plan tab - backout plan details (e.g. revert code, run rollback scripts)

  5. Click Save.

    • If the original change had tasks, a prompt will appear asking if you want to copy the tasks. Select NO.

  6. Take note of the Change ID and add the change to the DSD CivAv Team Calendar.

  7. Click on Close to move the change from Change Logging phase to Change Review.

  8. Go to the Plan tab and enter in the plan for the change.

    • The plan should indicate all the tasks that must be performed, by which team and what time.

    • For any changes requiring the DBA team to run scripts, the scripts must be sent to the data management team prior to the change date and they will review and post them for the DBA team.

    • e.g. for an ACC database only change, see C248908. For the associated PROD database only change, see C248920.

    • If this is a PROD change with a database change and it can be used the same script from the associated change request in ACC, write in DB task as 'copy the script from the acceptance folder”

    • For the task to “Publish files / instructions to staging folder”, remove the previous staging location. This information will be added by the change management team after.

    • Refer to example plan below

  9. Click on Save and then Close button to move the change from Change Review to Change Assessment & Planning phase. In order for the Change Request become visible to the support group, we need to click on Close button here so it can go to the next phase which is “Change Assessment & Planning”

    Steps 10-11 are for code changes only

  10. The change management team will update the plan & provide the location of the staging folder. A task assigned to you will be created.

  11. Prepare the files to be deployed - create an instruction file with steps on how/where to do the deployment & a zip file containing the code to be deployed. Move both these files to the staging folder.

  12. Looking at the new tasks, it might ask to create the zip file of the code to be deployed , together with the install instruction page, move all of them to the specified location (i.e. staging folder indicated in the change request’s plan), close your task in the plan, please make sure your task has been closed in the change request. If you prepare the zip files for all files and you have no change in the web.config, please make sure to indicate in the instructions that we should keep the original web.config in the environment. Please make sure there are no “Oracle.DataAcess.dll” in the bin folder and web.config (if you do not have any change) in the prepared zip file.

  13. Wait for the change management team to perform their task which will move the change from Change Assessment & Planning to Prepare for Change Approval then Change Approval phase.

  14. Once the change is fully approved, the change management team will move the change to the Change Implementation phase and the tasks will be created (based on what was indicated in the plan). On the day before the release day, by noon, if the change request has not moved to Change Implementation phase, we should send an email to the Client Support team:
    TC.F NCR AFCDC Client Support / Soutien des clients RCN F.TC


On the date of the release, after the deployment has carried out, you will receive an associated task with Category ‘Change Monitoring', which requires testing the deployment by you and by clients.

You will perform your task as required and close them as you complete them:

  • fill in the Actual Start/End as well as a short description

  • click on “Close” then click “OK” to make sure the task is closed properly.

Check that the Assignee column has a name. If Assignee is blank the “close” button will not be displayed.

To assign the task:

  1. Open the task to view the task details.

  2. Enter the name of the person to assign the task to (Assignee). Note Assignee is case sensitive.

Check that the Assignee column has a name. If Assignee is blank the “close” button will not be displayed.

To assign the task:

  1. Open the task to view the task details.

  2. Enter the name of the person to assign the task to (Assignee). Note Assignee is case sensitive.

  • Informing the teams (for ex: web team , clients..) about your tasks have been done such as to the web team that the changes are tested, to the clients that the changes are completed…

  • Once all tasks are closed, the change management team will move the change to the Evaluation and Closure phase and the change will be closed.


Prior to Day of Release (Prior to 2021-12-02)

TASK 1 - CHANGECONT/ Create location for files / instructions

TASK 2 - CAAST [LEMI]/ Publish files / instructions to staging folder

TASK 3 - DATA MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/ Review and post script(s) in script library

Refer to acceptance changes: C123456

Day of Release

TASK 4 - 9:00 - APPS_WEB


  1. Create backup >>> https://etp.tc.gc.ca/camis-simac/

  2. Put offline pages on https://etp.tc.gc.ca/camis-simac/

  3. Unzip camis.zip to https://etp.tc.gc.ca/camis-simac/ (Replacing existing files)


  1. Create backup >>> https://gart.tc.gc.ca/secure/eMER-eREM

  2. Put offline pages on https://gart.tc.gc.ca/secure/eMER-eREM

  3. Unzip emer.zip to https://gart.tc.gc.ca/secure/eMER-eREM (Replacing existing files)

  4. Notify change coordinator that the packages have been updated in production.


TASK 5 - 9:30 - DBA/ Execute scripts on CAMIS_DUI@CAMISP Schema & notify change coordinator


TASK 6 - 9:45 - CAAST [LEMI]

Ensure scripts ran successfully, notify DBA.


TASK 7 - 9:55 - APPS_WEB

Remove offline pages at https://etp.tc.gc.ca/camis-simac/ and https://gart.tc.gc.ca/secure/eMER-eREM/

Notify change coordinator that application is available to test.


TASK 8 - 10:00 - CAAST [LEMI]/ Test application & contact client for confirmation of successful implementation


Cancelling a SM-GS ticket:

We cannot cancel SM-GS tickets ourselves. It has to be done by the Client Support Team.
Send an email to request cancellation of SM-GS ticket to
TC.F NCR AFCDC Client Support / Soutien des clients RCN F.TC