Scanner Calibration

Scanner Calibration

1 - Contact the user and ask him/her to send you her latest scan.  The Files and Location is C:\ftaer\prd\data\scandata.dat AND c:\ftaer\ftaescan.ini.

 2 - Save that file in your c:\ftaer\directory.

 3 - From that directory, execute ftscantw /admin.

 You’ll see a screen like this

4 - Click File, Open and open the file you received in the mail.

Now the screen will look like this

5 - Compare the position of the fields with those on file in the database.

The two turquoise arrows above correspond.  The database states that circle should appear at 25, 273. 

6 - Position your cursor over the circle and click

 The program says it can be found at 26, 273. (The 26 is pretty close). The 269 is not close enough to 273.  So, edit the user’s c:\ftaer\ftaescan.ini and change y coordinate between 200 and 300 to tell FTAE to add 4 units when scanning.  As follows:

7 - Repeat this test for all items on the form and adjust as required.  When you’re finished, email the ftaescan.ini file back to the user and ask them to store it on the c:\ftaer\ directory.  Note, users on citrix will have their local drive mapped to V.

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