Canadian Batch Process Application Setup steps

Canadian Batch Process Application Setup steps

  1. Create a .net Console Application

  2. Add WSE3.0 via Nuget

  3. Create WS client stub via “Add Service Reference”

    1. image-20240926-172716.png

  4. Run mmc.exe and add certificates snap-in to import certificates/key-pair

    1. Add certificate snap-in, and make sure “Computer account” is chosen.

    2. Import mpdis.cer(attached) to “Trusted People”

      1. Path : \\Tc4s0a\groups\AARA\AARAD\Software Library\Developer Tools\DotNet DAPLS WS Client

    3. Import dapls.12(attached) to “Personal”

      1. Path : \\Tc4s0a\groups\AARA\AARAD\Software Library\Developer Tools\DotNet DAPLS WS Client

      2. You will be asked for the password, enter dapls

    4. Install winhttpcertcfg  from https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=19801

    5. Run the following command to allow the user who runs the application to access the installed private key( installed at step c)

      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools"\winhttpcertcfg.exe -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\My -s dapls -a "MachineName\\Username"

(Make sure to change the username in RED to your environment)

  • Update the Build Output Path:

    • Open your project properties.

    • Navigate to the Build section.

    • Set the Output Path to your desired directory where the executable will be saved

  • Build the Project:

    • Compile your project by selecting the Build option from the menu.

    • Ensure there are no errors in the build process.

  • Copy Files to Server:

    • Locate the output folder specified in your build settings.

    • Copy the generated executable file and any necessary dependencies from this folder.

    • Navigate to the server where you want to deploy the executable.

    • Replace the existing executable file on the server with the new one you just copied.

  • Verify the Deployment:

    • Test the executable on the server to ensure it runs correctly