Definition of Ready
Definition of Ready
Friendly note: The Definition of Ready is a guideline to help promote a better understanding of the work, prior to it being worked on. Some stories need less information, some more. Reasonable understanding to start the work is the intent.
The DoR is for the PO’s and Dev Team as well.
Defined well enough that all members of team understand what needs to be done, to a reasonable level. Preferably, in the “As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some business value reason > “ format. Exceptions are possible, however clarity is essential.
Tagged with ‘Ready for Sprint’
Business value is assigned to assist with planning
Effort is assigned to show the technical complexity, or effort
Include anything that can help explain the story, such as screenshots, documents, emails
Relevant/Impacted Business lines have been consulted
INVEST is used - To ensure the story is sized to easily complete within one Sprint
Privacy and Security implications assessed
Bilingual requirements included
UX/UI design included
, multiple selections available,
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