How to create a SMGS release

How to create a SMGS release

When you need to create an SMGS ticket here is the process. Essentially it is a copy and paste of existing tickets.

To being you will need:

  1. An SMGS account. Get one like this:

    1. Fill out a Network Service Request (found here if the below doesn’t work anymore,http://tcapps/Corp-Serv-Gen/5/SD-RL/u001-eng.aspx):

      1. , http://tcapps.tc.gc.ca/Corp-Serv-Gen/5/forms-formulaires/download/09-0231_BI_PX,

      2. asking for SM-GS and SM-GS REP to be added to your account.

      3. Include the support group(s) and/or change approval groups, in the comments section using this format: Please add SM-GS and SM-GS Reporting services to <YOUR USERNAME> and add them to the following support groups in SM-GS: They are: <GET FROM SMGS>

    2. Ask your manager to send it to Service Desk, and CC Christopher Nelson, who will facilitate your SMGS access.

    3. When your account is ready go here: http://smgs/sm/index.do to confirm access.

  2. Service ID’s for the applications we support:

    1. SCES-CRM - BDMC-CRM (Communications)

      IEC - CEMA (Indigenous Engagement Consultations)

      OPPSES - BDCPPO (Ocean Protection Plan Stakeholder Engagement System)

      ASIES - SEISA (Aviation Security International Engagement System)

  3. An email from the Product Owner stating the UAT has been completed. This will be attached to the ticket later.

Next, use the service ID from whatever application you are releasing and follow these steps:

  1. Go to http://smgs/sm/index.do

  2. Select Change Management, Search Changes, and enter the Service ID of your application, and select search. You will get results of all the tickets that have been done for that Service ID before.


  3. Go to the latest one, or find one that has a description that matches what kind of release you are doing. You can use this for reference for your ticket. The window will stay open, regardless of other actions in SGMS.


  4. Go back to the Change Management menu, and select Open New Change, and then select Software. A new window will appear


  5. Enter the information about: Initiated By, Assignment Group, Change Coordinator, Service, Environment, Location. Use the same, or similar information as the screen shot, and use your account information!

    1. Tips:

      1. Refer back to the other ticket you opened earlier if you are stuck.

      2. Use the Title and Description format as shown. It has been successful in the past.

        1. Title e.g: Prod - OPPSES - BDCPPO (Ocean Protection Plan Stakeholder Engagement System) v1.0.0.0 Cloud Release

        2. Description e.g: This release is the initial release to production of the OPPSES solution to the cloud and includes data for all consultations and engagement activities with Indigenous groups and stakeholders, and can be linked to project leads, Indigenous counterpart, stakeholders, partners, initiatives and events. The system will also produce dashboards and reports, and will support a business requirement to report quarterly to senior management, key departmental partners and other partners.

          The changes being applied by the v1.0.0 package are of the full product and only contain configuration changes to the CRM product.


  6. Enter in the other change details, using your judgement for the values: Impact, Urgency, Risk Assessment, Planned Start date and time, and Planned End date and time.


  7. Fill in the Impact Statement and Justification, using your judgment but keep it super simple:


  8. Fill in the Backout Plan:


  9. Attach the UAT completed email to Attachements:


  10. Save the ticket. You should get a notification from SMGS that it was saved and assigned.


  11. The ticket will now show a Phase of Change Logging, and you will likely get an email about the change.


  12. Click Close to close the Phase and move to the approvals from other functional authorities. You will get a message that says it has been assigned to APPS_CRM. The window will close, but if you search for your change you will see the Phase is now Change Review, and you will receive another email about this.


  13. Add Plan, and Save. And then Close.


  14. You should now see the ticket is in the Change Assessment & Planning Phase, and you should receive and email.


  15. There should also now be a Task for the Change Control Board:


  16. Wait for Approval of Change Control body. You will eventually get an email that says your deployment task is open, and when you close it you are confirming the application is deployed. It will look like this, and reflect your task that you entered earlier.


  17. That’s all folks!