TC Smart Maps Layers
This page catalogues the datasets used for TC Smart Maps. The following form should be used as a template to describe each dataset:
Each wiki page should be titled with the dataset name
Provide a description of the dataset
Identify the data originator, such as a government department, a Transport Canada directorate, or an external organization.
Use Cases
Identify one or more use cases for the dataset.
Identify the endpoints from which the dataset can be acquired.
Source | Format | Date | Update Frequency | Metadata | Cost | Link | Remarks |
name / contact | format (e.g., ESRI REST, WMS, Shapefile, Oracle table) | date last published | update frequency | availability of metadata for governance | how much does the source cost? | link to the data source | remarks including the processing required |
Identify the most appropriate dataset to use for EGIS. Include justification based on requirements derived from the use case(s). Define the process required to integrate the dataset with EGIS, including:
schema transformation
value coding
attribute renaming
attribute removal
format translation
language translation
update frequency
Identify the costs to Transport Canada to acquire and update the dataset.