Airport Capital Assistance Programs - Grants and Contribution

Airport Capital Assistance Programs - Grants and Contribution


Regional airports plays an essential role in Canada’s air transportation. However, some airport struggle to raise enough revenue for operation.

Airport Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) has been funding improvement projects for regional airports since 1995. Only airports which are ACAP eligible are entitled for the funding. Several criteria must be met by the airports in order to be qualified including aerodrome status, passenger statistic and scheduled traffic.

The ACAP Eligible Airport overlay is a subset of Canada Airports extracted based on these criteria. It is served as a reference tool for Funding Officer to quickly have a grasp of airport current status. Other relevant information also includes runways, critical aircraft, operator and owner. Approved ACAP Projects from past years, generated from ACAP Database provides a quick overview of past projects funded enabling the Funding Officer to make a smart approval selection process based on needs and urgency.


  1. Transport Canada, Programs Group, Airport and Port Programs

  2. TC Smart Maps

Use Cases

  1. As a Funding Officer, I want to be able to locate airports which are ACAP eligible so that I can proceed with reviewing project application.

  2. As a manager, I want to be able to review past projects funded






Update Frequency









Update Frequency





ACAP Eligible Airport

ACAP Database

MS Access Database





EGIS Data Folder: ACAP_EligibleAirport.gdb.zip
Contact: Warren Walrond

-Use preprocessed GDB file as provided.
-Non-spatial, transformation required using airport Lat/Long.

ACAP Projects

ACAP Database
TC website

PDF File





EGIS Data Folder: ACAP_Projects.zip
Contact: Warren Walrond

-Use preprocessed GDB file as provided.
-Generate project summary as pdf file.


  1. ACAP Database is a Microsoft Access 2013 Database.

  2. ACAP Eligible Airports are extracted from the tblAirport table filtered by ACAP Eligibile Status.

  3. ACAP Funded Projects are Airport Project Summary generated from tblACAPRecord table for each airport as PDF file.

  4. Permission required to access the ACAP Database.

  5. Contact Warren Walrond (Warren.Walrond@tc.gc.ca), Senior Program Policy Analyst, Air and Marine Programs, Programs Group for more information.

  6. EGIS Data Folder: \\ncras382\Application Source Files\EGIS\Smartmap Files\

Process for EGIS integration

MS Access Database Transformation:

  1. In FME, filter the dataset by setting ACAP Eligible=Yes as criteria.

  2. Transform the Lat/Long to point.

  3. Insert ACAP_Projects field to hyperlink PDF file.

  4. Output to KML, SHP or GDB as required

  5. Import into EGIS

TC Smart Maps:

  1. Not all GIS applications can consume KML file directly due to its unique data structures such as networklinks, folders, models etc.

  2. Please contact Lawrence Chong, Digital Services Directorate for TC Smart Maps KML dataset and format translation.

  3. TC Smart Maps KML link: \\tc.gc.ca\tcgis\GISData\Google Mashup\FundedPrograms\ACAP_Airports\ACAP_Airport.kmz


  1. Schema transformation: Not required

  2. Denormalization: Not required

  3. Value coding: Not required

  4. Attribute renaming: As required to improve readability

  5. Attribute removal: It is highly recommended as some fields are unnecessary, this will also reduce file size and improve performance

  6. Geoenrichment: Hyperlink ACAP Project PDF using airport identifier as primary key.

  7. Format translation: Geocoding using the airport Lat/Long location

  8. Language translation: As required

  9. Update frequency: Frequent

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