Aboriginal Consultation Activities
Aboriginal Consultation Unit (ACU) works closely with Navigation Protection Program and Environment Affairs for all project submissions. Aboriginal Consultation Activities records projects which might require consultation with First Nation and its stakeholders.
Transport Canada, Aboriginal Consultation Database
Use Cases
As a Consultation Officer, I want to be able to identify similar projects in the vicinity of current project so that same consultation process are followed.
Description | Source | Format | Date | Update Frequency | Metadata | Cost | Link | Remarks |
ACU Activities Log | Aboriginal Consultation Database (ACD) | Oracle Non-spatial | Current | Frequent | N/A | Free | EGIS Data Folder: ACD_ActivitiesLog.gdb.zip | Use preprocessed GDB file as provided. |
ACU Database is an Oracle Non-spatial database.
Permission required to access the ACU Database for direct EGIS integration. Contact Programs Group, Aboriginal Consultation Unit Manager for more information.
Cloud storage for ACU Activities Log may be restricted.
Preprocessing is recommended as Lat/Long values are not consistent, missing or not validated.
EGIS Data Folder: \\ncras382\Application Source Files\EGIS\Smartmap Files\
In FME, connect to the Oracle database and export to an Excel Spreadsheet.
Validate the Lat/Long, make corrections as required and save it as a new version.
For future updates, only new records need to be validated, thus saving time.
In FME, use the Feature Merger transformer to join the new and the old dataset using CONSULTATION_FILE_ID as the primary key to append the records into the old and create a new version.
Process for EGIS integration
Oracle Direct Integration
Oracle Database can be directly connected to EGIS if the portal is hosted on TC Enterprise Network.
Oracle Non-spatial Database:
In FME, connect to the database using Oracle Non-spatial Reader with the connection parameters provided by ACU DBA.
Use Feature Merger transformer to join the following tables using CONSULTATION_FILE_ID as primary key.
-ACD_ActivityInformation (Main table)
-SupportDocument.Transform the Lat/Long to point.
Output to KML, SHP or GDB as required.
Import into EGIS
TC Smart Maps:
Not all GIS applications can consume KML file directly due to its unique data structures such as networklinks, folders, models etc.
Please contact Lawrence Chong, Digital Services Directorate for TC Smart Maps KML dataset and format translation.
TC Smart Maps KML link: \\tc.gc.ca\tcgis\GISData\Google Mashup\ACU\ACD_Activities\ACD_Activities.kmz
Schema transformation: Not required.
Denormalization: Not required
Value coding: Not required
Attribute renaming: As required to improve readability
Attribute removal: It is highly recommended as some fields are unnecessary, this will also reduce file size and improve performance
Geoenrichment: Feature symbolization is recommended to improve visualization
Format translation: Geocoding using Lat/Long
Language translation: French version not available
Update frequency: As identified