

The purpose of this document is to describe how the EGIS team members will work amongst themselves and with the EGIS project's internal and external stakeholders.


  • The EGIS team will release increments in 2-week sprints which will begin Thursday and end Wednesday.

  • Sprint demos, retrospectives, and planning will take place on the first day (Thursday) of the sprint.

  • The product backlog will be managed in Azure DevOps in the 'TCOPP organization - EGIS project'.

Roles and Responsibilities







Product Manager


Stefan Boniecki

Product Owner





Mark Frost (acting)

Sprint Demos

  • EGIS Working Group members will be invited to attend the sprint demos.

Action Item(s):

  • Meeting rooms need to be booked.

  • WebEx sessions need to be scheduled.

  • The meeting agenda needs to be communicated to the GIS Working Group.

Sprint Retrospective

During the retrospective meeting, the EGIS team will work on the following:

  1. What should we have done better in the last sprint?

  2. What did we do well in the last sprint?

  3. Identify a 'To Do' list and actions for the next sprint.

The sprint retrospective document is stored in RDIMS http://mytc/RDIMS/14991016

Sprint Planning

Backlog items are organized in epics. Each business area represented in the GIS Working Group has at least one epic in the product backlog. A theme is defined for each sprint and backlog items are pulled into the sprint during the sprint planning meetings based on the team members' capacity and the velocity of the Product Backlog Items. Given the maturity of the team, tasks will be created and filled in during or after the sprint planning meetings.

Each team member's work is recorded in the Task Board
https://dev.azure.com/TCOPP/EGIS/_sprints/taskboard/EGIS Team/EGIS/Sprint 12 - Start DEV to STG deployment process

To Make Scrum Better

  1. Estimate the story points better, and monitor velocity of the team work during each sprint better.

  2. Research work: research task is harder to get a good estimation. Setup time box (maximum) and wait to see what to do next.

  3. Dependency work: make sure the other party dependent on is available during the next sprint (for Scrum Master); Also do risk registry

Working Groups

GIS Working Group

Lead: Stefan Bonieski
Support: Jiehua Yi

Stefan and Jiehua will lead the EGIS WG meetings and will represent the EGIS team at the table. This was decided by Management on 2019-02-14 as only key people are required.

The frequency of EGIS WG meetings will change from weekly to monthly and Stefan and Jiehua will meet with the individual WG members on a one-on-one basis and report progress back to the broader group on a monthly basis.

Agendas, Records of Decisions and Minutes will be produced for each EGIS WG monthly meeting and stored in [Stefan: INSERT LINK].

FGP Technical Working Group

Lead: Jiehua Yi

Jiehua will continue serve as technical liaison with the Federal Geospatial Platform (FGP) and sit on the FGP Technical WG. As a FGP technical working group member, it requires to allocate a minimum of 10 working days per year towards achieving committee work objectives and reporting. Meeting Notes, Agendas and Records of Decisions can be found in the FGP Technical Working Group Meeting Documents.

\\ncras382\Application Source Files\EGIS\FGP_Tech_Working_Group_Meetings

Microsoft Technical Working Group

Lead: Josh Hevenor
Backup: Jiehua Yi

The EGIS team will meet with Microsoft on a bi-weekly basis and Josh will act as the main point of contact. The invitation to participate in bi-weekly meetings was accepted by Susan Cowan from Microsoft and she will coordinate things on their side. Josh will ensure the TC Cloud team representatives are included in these meetings as required.

This will ensure that TC is collaborating with Microsoft and leveraging their expertise. Several meetings have already been held with Microsoft where we sought guidance on how to use Azure Files and were instructed not to use them as this would not meet out needs. Bi-weekly meetings are intended to formalize the relationship.

Agendas and Record of Decisions and Minutes will be produced for each EGIS-Microsoft bi-weekly meeting and will be stored in Meeting notes/Microsoft.

TC Technical Working Group

Lead: Kevin Lim
Backup: Jonathan Bailey | Jiehua Yi | ?

The GIS Technical Working Group will provide technical leadership, strategic technological guidance and direction on technical configuration and service operation of the Enterprise GIS (EGIS) project including technical planning and implementation.

The GIS Technical Working Group will:
• Ensure that the design and development of the application meets the department's standards.
• Provide guidance and advice to the EGIS project team.
• Review and comment the technical documents, designs and solutions provided by the EGIS project team.

TC GIS Technical working group is composed of
• EGIS team;
• Cloud team;
• IT Security;
• Enterprise Architecture team;
• Data Analytics and Information Management (Data governance)

The Data governance and cloud teams have been involved since the beginning, and there is little overlap among the technical groups. Meetings will be scheduled as needed and only the required groups as well as the Enterprise Architecture team will be invited.

2019-02-15 - Invitations were sent to Simon Piche and Richard Jeffrey for bi-weekly meeting and next steps are pending.

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