Initial Meeting 16 NOV 18

Initial Meeting 16 NOV 18

Attendees: Dominic Canuel, Paul Vitale, Jonathan Bailey
Date: 161030Q NOV 18
Location: 330 Sparks 1923


  1. Demonstrate Transport Canada Enterprise GIS (EGIS)

  2. Determine data governance requirements for EGIS


  • the data governance team will act in a supporting role to EGIS

  • the data governance team requires that EGIS has a documented process for managing data that is followed

  • look at tools for automatically importing metadata (XSLT)

  • Dominic has a CS2 (Eve) starting on December 10

    • prepare EGIS data governance use cases for Eve and work with her to develop them after she starts

  • discussion of data retention and cleanup

    • EGIS needs some sort of process, to be managed by the data governance team, to clean up data that's no longer required

      • the goal is to prevent the system from becoming cluttered with junk

      • the "Authoritative" and "Deprecated" flags can assist with this process

      • this is likely to be a combination of an automated process (a query to find candidate items), and a manual process (bugging data originators to delete / archive old datasets)

        • likely will need follow-up discussion on retention requirements for "old" datasets: what needs to be retained and what can be deleted

Action Items

  • @Jon to document data governance use cases with Eve