Notes for run the deploy script

Notes for run the deploy script


Install the GIT for power shell;


Setup VM servers:

  • open the repos from azure DevOPs, then click the clone at the up-right corner, copy the url;


  • In power shell, move to the folder you want, then run
    git clone https://TCOPP@dev.azure.com/TCOPP/EGIS/_git/EGIS

  • ask Cloud group to grant you the access to create your owner resource group: e.g. TC-Sandbox-BXUeGIS-RG

  • Edit the EGIS\ARM\templates\parameters.json file to follow up the EGIS\ARM\templates\template.jason file for the
    "egis_environment": {
    "value": "BXU"

  • Under EGIS\ARM\templates, run the
    then follow the promotion requests:
    cmdlet deploy.ps1 at command pipeline position 1
    Supply values for the following parameters:
    subscriptionId: 0921cb70-a968-4860-a0dc-7f77ba3a35c4
    resourceGroupName: TC-Sandbox-BXUeGIS-RG
    deploymentName: BXU

    Login as bill.xu@034gc.onmicrosoft.com

    Enter A for the confirm; 3 times;This will cost 15 minutes.You can check the status by login the azure portal, it will be all green after it finished



Setup and Config ArcGIS servers:

  • remote to the new web0 server: (this is the new arggis web server)


  • In Aruze portal vault, get the key for egisadmin: (please ask Josh to grant you the vault access)



  • from azure portal resource list, egisKeyVault ->Secrets ->vmAdminpassword, copy the secret value and login:


  • After login to this VM, D:\DSC\PowerShell DSCReadme.txt is a reference. Step 1-5 are done in the formal deployment, to run the step 6 in this file, need add my laptop in the VM firewall. :
    so, run PowerShell in VM, then run this line first:

    Set-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value "TC-*" -Concatenate -Force


  • change the DEV-BaseDeployment-ThreeMachine 10.6.jason config file, replace -DEV- to -BXU- in this file:


  • then run

    PS D:\dsc\PowerShell DSC> Configure-ArcGIS -ConfigurationParametersFile DEV-BaseDeployment-ThreeMachine-10.6.json

    This will cost several hours.

    Click Enter to see the refresh the logs in PowerShell.


  • Try browse https://tc-egis-bxu-web/portal/home/, ignore the warning etc.

Setup backup and restore:

Errors and Solutions:

  • Find subscriptionID:


  • If you got wrong credential problem:
    On Windows, the following steps should re-trigger the GitHub login window when git clonning:

Search start menu for "Credential Manager"
Select "Windows Credentials"
Delete any credentials related to dev.azure.com
Then you will get the login screen again.


Start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as Administrator" option. Only members of the Administrators group on the computer can change the execution policy. Enable running unsigned scripts by entering: set-executionpolicy remotesigned

This will allow running unsigned scripts that you write on your local computer and signed scripts from Internet.

See also Running Scripts at Microsoft TechNet Library.