- 1 Using Chef for Automated Configuration Management
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Limitations
- 1.3 Configuring ESRI
- 1.4 Configuring Azure
- 1.5 Trial run
- 1.5.1 VM Settings
- 1.5.2 Workstation
- 1.5.3 Sample Node
- 1.6 egis-azure
- 1.7 To do
- 1.7.1 Recipes that work
- 1.8 References
Using Chef for Automated Configuration Management
We’ve decided that Azure ARM + ESRI PowerShell DSC will be our automation tools of choice.
Chef is a well known tool in the system admin field. ESRI has resources available to facilitate shops like ours in getting started. Chef provides ad hoc server maintenance task options, but more importantly facilitates codified configuration.
Chef can spin up Azure VMs.
Chef can install windows services.
Chef can install and configure most parts of the ArcGIS Enterprise stack.
You can't walk too far off the path of the ESRI demo / script before you run into trouble. I have issues posted to a few places:
Enabling features on Windows Server 2016 on Azure · Issue #173 · Esri/arcgis-cookbook
Received a low-memory warning when installing on a VM with 4gb memory
ESRI recommends at least 8GB of RAM
Configuring ESRI
The ESRI GitHub has a wiki page outlining a large part of what we're looking for:
Automate a multi machine ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on Windows using Chef Server
Configuring Azure
There are components of Chef that wrap Azure PowerShell module scripts.
Trial run
VM Settings
Enable access on ports 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS), 3389 (RDP), and 5985 (WinRM). See this
Install ChefDK from PowerShell with this command, updated to current version:
PS > . { iwr -useb } | iex; install -project chefdk -channel stable -version 3.3.23
This creates a Chef-specific PowerShell:
This also installs Git for Windows. Configure Git with your name and email
git config --global "Josh Hevenor"
git config --global
Install a code editor with syntax highlighting that supports JSON, Ruby. Suggesting Visual Studio Code.
Sample Node
A basic Windows Server VM, configured the same way as the Workstation. Probably done in our setup, but the tutorial suggests configuring the firewall with this PowerShell command:
Get-NetFirewallPortFilter | ?{$_.LocalPort -eq 5985 } | Get-NetFirewallRule | ?{ $_.Direction -eq "Inbound" -and $_.Profile -eq "Public" -and $_.Action -eq "Allow"} | Set-NetFirewallRule -RemoteAddress "Any"
Remote Management using winRM required the following PowerShell script run:
PS > Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Bootstrapping the managed node
Note that the ESRI cookbooks, at the time of writting, require a version of the chef client < 14.0.0. Also, the ChefDK terminal didn't handle storing a variable properly. Run this from the standard windows PowerShell:
PS > $public_ip = '{"cloud": {"public_ip": ""}}' | ConvertTo-Json
PS > knife bootstrap windows winrm --json-attributes $public_ip --winrm-user hevenoj --winrm-password 'XXXXXXXX' --bootstrap-version 13.11.3 --node-name node1-windows'
!!! Timed out !!!
Try the local IP in this case, assuming the workstation is also an azure machine. Or just try this a second time.
PS > knife bootstrap windows winrm --json-attributes $public_ip --winrm-user hevenoj --winrm-password 'XXXXXXXX' --bootstrap-version 13.11.3 --node-name node1-windows
You can specify a run list, defining recipes or roles to run. Those recipes/roles need to be uploaded to the chef server first.
PS > knife bootstrap ... --run-list 'recipe[learn_chef_iis]
Mounting file-share with installation media
This is done using our egis-azure::init recipe. But you can do it from PowerShell
The DevOps repo "Chef" contains an EGIS specific cookbook to get our Azure VMs ready (mounting a file share with install files), and a matching Role to install ArcGIS Enterprise on one node.
Initial installation instructions have been added to the file
To do
WinRM connection from TC desktop
Configure keystore_file option
Consider setting "post_install_script" to call Jon's python script to init content
Consider VM image with chef-client pre-installed
Azure VM Chef Extension
Similar research on AWS platform
Recipes that work
The following recipes succeed given the current configuration:
Recipe | Status | Notes |
egis-azure::init | Pass |
arcgis-enterprise::system | Pass |
esri-iis::default | Pass |
arcgis-enterprise::server | Pass | Most of the time |
arcgis-enterprise::server_wa |
| |
arcgis-enterprise::datastore | installs, fails to configure | |
arcgis-enterprise::portal | Pass |
arcgis-enterprise::portal_wa |
| |
arcgis-enterprise::federation | Pass |
References for training