RCMP Detachment
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is the federal and national police force of Canada. The RCMP provides law enforcement at the federal level. It also provides provincial policing in eight of Canada's provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Saskatchewan) and local policing on contract basis in the three territories (Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon) and more than 150 municipalities, 600 aboriginal communities, and three international airports.
RCMP Web Portal
Use Cases
Description | Source | Format | Date | Update Frequency | Metadata | Cost | Link | Remarks |
RCMP Detachment | CSV | 2018 | As needed | N/A | Free | EGIS Data Folder: RCMPDetachment_pt.gdb.zip | Use preprocessed GDB file as provided. |
The FME workflow automatically scans through RCMP Detachment urls for every provinces/territories and extract the table content and detachment link.
Geocoding of the address uses Bing/AGOL. Unfortunately not all addresses were geocoded correctly.A workaround was to output the initial result into an MS Access database.
Gecoding incorrect Lat/Long using Google Earth.
Export the database to GDB.
EGIS Data Folder: \\ncras382\Application Source Files\EGIS\Smartmap Files\
Process for EGIS integration
CSV File Transformation:
In FME, use the Google Geocoder transformer to geocode by Location.
Expose the returned Lat/Long value.
Transform the Lat/Long to point.
Output to KML, SHP or GDB as required
Import into EGIS
TC Smart Maps:
Not all GIS applications can consume KML file directly due to its unique data structures such as networklinks, folders, models etc.
Please contact Lawrence Chong, Digital Services Directorate for TC Smart Maps KML dataset and format translation.
TC Smart Maps KML link: \\tc.gc.ca\tcgis\GISData\Google Mashup\SafetyAndSecurity\RCMPDetachment\RCMP_Detachment.kmz
Schema transformation: As required
Denormalization: No Required
Value coding: Not required
Attribute renaming: As required to improve readability
Attribute removal: Not required.
Geoenrichment: Not required.
Format translation: As required.
Language translation: French version not available.