2019-09-12 WG Meeting notes

2019-09-12 WG Meeting notes


Sep 12, 2019


  • @Josh Hevenor (Unlicensed)

  • eGIS Working Group


  • Demo our idea for the upcoming ImagineIT presentation



· Alexandre Gracovetsky

- The inspection's default date should be the current date should include also the current time.

- The railway should be visible in any Zoom configuration (possible with a Track Layer in the same map)

- Interaction with GraphHopper (He actually asked for users access, so his team can start to use the portal to plan the routes)

- Rail corridor should be always visible even when tracks were removed - get it from historical data (add as a separate layer).

- Data points should be added where the inspector wants it, not where the inspector is located. (I have tested and we are able to cover this requirements by tapping and holding in the point we want, after click in “+ Collect here”. I think we should add this as instructions in the presentation speaking notes.)


· Ken Marshal

- Publish a collector layer in sandbox environment


  • Klaas, Zachary asked to be able to access ArcGIS Collector on his cell phone using Sandbox Portal inside TC network.

  • Gracovetsky, Alexandre followed the demo to use Collector on his phone and complained that the mandatory field values should be automatically popped up.

    Besides, he observed the following issues:

    1. when zooming in, the railway disappears

    2. Some passages are missing in the map.

    3. some collector users should not have the right to input the new records. The new records should be validated by somebody before they are writen into the table.


Action items

@Diego Cesa de Meira (Unlicensed) catch up on meeting results and task appropriately


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