Mineral Claims
A Patented Mining Claim is one for which the Federal Governmenthas passed its title to the claimant, making it private land. A person may mineand remove minerals from a mining claim without a mineral patent. However,a mineral patent gives the owner exclusive title to the locateble minerals.It also gives the owner title to the surface and other resources.
With a Patented Cailm: You own the Land as well as the minerals.
An Un-patented Mining Claim is a particular parcel of Federal land, valuable for a specific mineral deposit or deposits. It is aparcel for which an individual has asserted a right of possession. The rightis restricted to the extraction and development of a mineral deposit. Therights granted by a mining claim are valid against a challenge by theUnited States and other claimants only after the discovery of a valuablemineral deposit.
With a Unpatented Claim: You are leasing, from the government, the right to extract minerals. No land ownership is conveyed.
Mineral deposits subject to Placer Claims include all those deposits not subject to lode claims. Originally, these included only deposits of unconsolidated materials, such as sand and gravel, containing free gold orother minerals. By Congressional acts and judicial interpretations, manynonmetallic bedded or layered deposits, such as gypsum and high calciumlimestone, are also considered placer deposits.
Government of Yukon
Government of Northwest Territories
Government of Nunavut
Canada Open Data
Use Cases
As an Aboriginal Consultation Officer, I want like to be able to visualize potential future mining projects based on mineral claims in the area so that the minister is well informed.
Description | Source | Format | Date | Update Frequency | Metadata | Cost | Link | Remarks |
Mining (Placer, Quartz, Coal) | ESRI REST | N/A | N/A | N/A | Free |
| ||
Oil and Gas | ESRI REST | N/A | N/A | N/A | Free |
| ||
Mining (Mineral Claim, Oil and Gas Rights, Mines, Wells) | KML | N/A | N/A | Free | SHP download requires account registration | |||
Mineral Claim (Nunavut) | Canada Open Data | WMS | ESRI REST | On-Going | Free |
As each Territory maintain their own data, schema for each dataset is different.
Data download from NWT Centre for Geomatics requires account registration.
The most appropriate dataset to use for EGIS would be from WMS web service as it does not require periodic updates.
Process for EGIS integration
WMS Service:
WMS Service can be integrated directly into EGIS
SHP File:
SHP can be integrated directly into ArcMap and ArcGIS.
TC Smart Maps:
Not all GIS applications can consume KML file directly due to its unique data structures such as NetworkLinks, folders, models etc.
Please contact Lawrence Chong, Digital Services Directorate for TC Smart Maps KML dataset and format translation.
TC Smart Maps KML link: \tc.gc.ca\tcgis\GISData\Google Mashup\Northern Resources\MineralClaim\MineralClaim.kmz
Schema transformation: As required
Denormalization: No Required
Value coding: Not required
Attribute renaming: As required to improve readability
Attribute removal: No required
Geoenrichment: Feature symbolization is recommended to improve visualization
Format translation: As needed
Language translation: French version available for selected dataset