PLT Troubleshoot 2019-11-13

PLT Troubleshoot 2019-11-13


User complains that they can’t add a layer to a map when they should have permissions.


last week  was her first time to try to add the smart map layers in PLT, and she failed.

~ from Darlene


We’ve found that all hosted feature layers are now twinned, one with the original owner, and one with EGIS as the owner. It appears they have the same back-end.

Seeking help



Config changes were made last Friday, which may be related.



Make sure you clean the Application Cache inside the Developer tabs in Chrome, before start to test.

That work

  • ???


That fail


  1. Un-share, reshare showed no immediate improvement

  2. Share with everyone todo

  3. Permissions on symbology aboriginal consultation has plain symbology and still has the problem

  4. Change owner aboriginal consultation changed owner to demo.publisher, couldn’t load it’s own layer. Changing back was same for demo.publisher user.

  5. Change description Canada Airport - the description was changed, but couldn’t load it by demo.publisher

  6. Change Data Canada Airport - the column name was changed, but couldn’t load it by demo.publisher

  7. Republish single layer

    1. FME works, but we lose the layer ID

    2. ArcGIS Pro ???

  8. Run python update script todo.py ???

  9. Delete clone of layer owned by EGIS corrupted tc.smart.maps layer

    1. TC_Federal_Real_Property_polygon corrupt

  10. Delete original layer owned by tc.smart.maps deleted both copied

    1. TC_Federal_Real_Property_point is gone

  11. Custom role PUBLISH_ROLE_HOSTED ACCESS fixes all by adding “View all portal members”

    1. Appears users with the role can load the hosted services correctly


    3. Anonymous users can’t load hosted services


Related articles

  1. https://community.esri.com/thread/239811-arcgis-server-federation-after-server-migration




  • Try another unfederate/refederate after setting the server to standalone as per related article 1

  • Republish all hosted layers

    • 151 smart maps, 240 total TC layers

    • Good time to educate our users on Pro settings for consistent web service publishing

  • Rebuild

    • At some point we need to roll out 10.7.1, would rather a quicker band-aid

    • Restore might restore our config problem

    • Republish…should consider above first

  • Custom Role

    • A custom role with the permission Administrative Privileges->Members->View all has been created and our users will be migrated to that role. This has shown to remove the EGIS owned cloned items, although it’s unknown how. This won’t work for Viewer roles as this requires a level 2 user.


Jiehua and ESRI have got our users back online and cleaned up the duplicate services. A summary is found in the related DevOps tasks: https://dev.azure.com/TCOPP/EGIS/_workitems/edit/3536

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