Migrating the content folders of ArcGIS Enterprise

Migrating the content folders of ArcGIS Enterprise

Our current pilot is configured with content folders on the local VM C:\ drive. This will need to be moved in order to twin the VMs or migrate to the production subscription eventually.

The sandbox jshweb.tcgis.ca was created using branch features/arm/gate3-arch. The task is to confirm that migrating to a new folder doesn’t break the install.


The process is defined in the ESRI documentation found here:


The folders were cloned to the Azure premium file share, and the portaladmin web admin page was used to update the portal content folder .

A new map was created with the original hosted feature service, and this new content item was saved.


The process is defined in the ESRI documentation found here:


The folders in question were cloned to the azure premium file share. The server/manager web admin page was used to change the configuration store to the new folder.

The page never refreshed when updating the config-store path, but after an hour the same page was opened in another browser tab and showed the updated folder path.

The arcgiscache folder path was updated with no issue.

The arcgisjobs folder path warned that the location was being used by another site. The followed was emptied and the attempt was made again. This time was successful, although the page never refreshed.

The arcgisoutput folder path updated with no issue, although the page failed to refresh.

The arcgissystem folder path warned that the folder was being used be another site. According to step 4 of the documentation, the contents of the initial folder will be copied to the new path. The contents of the azure fileshare folder were emptied and a second attempt was made successfully.


Final check

The initial CSV, hosted feature layer, and web map were deleted and recreated. A CSV containing points (fl_instance_sample.csv) was uploaded as a hosted feature layer, and a web map created. All functions succeeded.

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