Transportation Security-A Regional Perspective

Transportation Security-A Regional Perspective

Presented by: Steven Barker, Manager, Transportation Security, Security and Emergency Preparedness, PNR

Date: May 7, 2020

Organizer: Lawrence Chong

Attendees: Bill Xu, Diego Cesa de Meira, Alvaro Faria dos Santos, Mark Frost, Jiehua Yii

Topics of Presentation:

  • Overview of Transportation Security in PNR

  • Airport inspection: Class 1-International Airport, Class 2-Regional Hub (Yellowknife, Whitehorse etc) and Class 3-Smaller airport (with scheduled services)

  • Incidents reporting

  • Cargo inspection

  • Air cargo screening in conjunction with consignee or at the airport. e.g. Diavik Diamond Mine north of Yellowknife; Tropical Fish Farm in rural Gimli, MB.

Audio recording: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/7e7eb790-f609-4346-9ba9-07f65252879b

Application Used: Transportation Security Information System (TSIS)

Findings: TSIS data is not geo-referenced. Approximate location can be identified using Locality. Suggestion would be to have Security Inspector to record Lat/Long during site visit or have consignee provide the data along with the screening application.