myTC Account Overview

myTC Account Overview

myTC Account is Transport Canada’s online service delivery platform. It is a collection of departmental capabilities made up of user features and development capabilities. These department capabilities identify common components across online services and ensure that they are built once and shared rather than duplicated.  It is an iterative platform. New features will be constantly rolled out in release packages. It is also a shared platform for all of TC to collaborate and contribute features.

myTC account is composed of 3 main modules and each of these encompasses various components.

These modules are:

  • myTC Account Portal

  • myTC Account Micro-services – MTAPI

  • myTC Account Database 

The next three subsections are a concise description of the modules and supplementary images.
If you want to become more familiar with the platform, a prompt way to do so is by reviewing subsection “What is myTC Account Sample Web Service?”.

Note: The terms “MTOA” and “myTC Account” are synonyms that may be used interchangeably throughout components of the framework.

For any additional information please contact us at:
TC.F NCR AFCE MTOA Platform Team / Équipe plateforme MTOA AFCE RCN F.TC