How-to Deploy MEMS

How-to Deploy MEMS

  • MEMS is a Citrix delivered application.
  • All instances of X.X.X below should be replaced by the version number.
  • Deploy to production is on the weekend


  1. Switch to 'Release'
    1. Also, ensure you are pointing to x86 in project properties:

2. Right-click on project MSCA_HOST, click "Publish..." point MEMS to your new version directory \\ncrfs352\MSCA\PRODUCTION\RUNTIME\vX.X.X:

  1. Create a shortcut with MSCA.exe and add the environment as a parameter to the shortcut:
  2. Please create a new directory under "\\ncrfs352\MSCA\PRODUCTION\sp". Most likely, you will simply copy the files from the previous version to this new folder, as you probably didn't update any SQL procedures. For example:
    1. COPY \\ncrfs352\MSCA\ACCEPTANCE\sp\3.9.4 TO \\ncrfs352\MSCA\ACCEPTANCE\sp\3.9.5
    2. COPY \\ncrfs352\MSCA\DEVELOPMENT\sp\3.9.4 TO \\ncrfs352\MSCA\DEVELOPMENT\sp\3.9.5
    3. COPY \\ncrfs352\MSCA\PRODUCTION\sp\3.9.4 TO \\ncrfs352\MSCA\PRODUCTION\sp\3.9.5
    4. COPY \\ncrfs352\MSCA\TRAINING\sp\3.9.4 TO \\ncrfs352\MSCA\TRAINING\sp\3.9.5
    5. If you did make any updates to any of these files/folders, you will need to include them as well

Communicating with Citrix Team

Team Triton creates new build ----→ Jolanta/Mike Clark package the build ----→ SSC (Matthew Dowell/Stephen Payne) publishes the build to Citrix

  1. Contact Mike Clark, Jolanta Hnatiuk and notify them that you are creating a build for production/acceptance
  2. Copy everything from \\ncrfs352\MSCA\PRODUCTION\RUNTIME\vX.X.X\Application Files\MSCA_X_X_X_X to the folder designated by Citrix Packing Group (Most likely determined by Mike Clark or Jolanta Hnatiuk, and most likely \\ncras22\CSSG Release\CSSG Staging\MEMS\X.X.X)
  3. They will ask you to test in their STAGING environment (https://citrixstorefrontd.tc.gc.ca/Citrix/DevAppsWeb) or (https://citrixstorefront.tc.gc.ca/Citrix/TCACCAppsweb)
  4. You will receive a confirmation email when it is ready to test.
    1. For example: 
    2. If you are having trouble accessing the application, trying accessing from mydesk and launch from the start menu. Wait for the app icon to load.
  5. FYI Citrix apps are usually pushed out Saturday mornings. Have someone available to test that it worked ok.

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