Making Database Schema Changes (ACC/PROD)

Making Database Schema Changes (ACC/PROD)

  1. You’ve made the changes in DEV and have completely tested the app in question to ensure you have exactly what you need.

    1. You’ve followed the guidelines for column naming conventions, datatypes, and notes.

  2. Ask for the current data model from DATA MANAGEMENT (DSD Data Management / Gestion de données DGSN DSDDataManagement-GestiondonneesDGSN@tc.gc.ca / Xiong, Jen jen.xiong@tc.gc.ca).

    1. Quickly explain the PBI you are working on and why you need the model.

  3. Upon receiving the ERWIN model from DATA MANAGEMENT, you will then forward it to the MOLE group (Yi Liu) including:

    1. The current ERWIN model.

    2. The script you devised to make the required changes.

    3. An explanation of what it’s for.

  4. MOLE (Yi Liu) will make the modifications to the schema required, compared the old and new versions, and send back the script changes and the new model.

  5. Forward the script changes and the new model back to DATA MANAGEMENT (and Jen Xiong).

  6. Await instruction on when the change will occur.


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