Support: DSD Reviewers

Support: DSD Reviewers

In order to support Team Triton (DSD-Marine’s application support team), DSD-Marine reviewers will need to review DATA and CODE bugs for completeness and correctness. Here are the steps/considerations in place to assist with this process.

Team Triton’s board of support bugs can be found at the following location: https://dev.azure.com/transport-canada/DSD-MARINE%20Support/_boards/board/t/Team%20Triton/Backlog%20items

Bugs that are ready for review are found in the Ready for Review column:

Reviewers should monitor the tickets in that column and review tickets when possible. When reviewing tickets, please add your name to the ticket using a TAG: this will help scrum masters identify how much support review is being undertaken by team members.

When reviewing, do your best to follow the guidelines noted on the DSD-Marine: Support Process Overview page.

If there are issues with the ticket preventing you from closing the ticket, please add any notes/suggestions to the tickets Discussion section, move the ticket to the top of the To Do List and notify Team Triton via the DSD-Marine | Support and Maintenance channel in MS Teams. Team Triton will be advised to any tickets coming back from the Review process a top priority.

If the bug was correctly resolved, add a note to the ticket stating that the review is done and ask Team Triton to close the ticket in DevOps and SMGS via the DSD-Marine | Support and Maintenance channel in MS Teams.

At the end of each sprint, all DSD-Marine team members will be asked to give their scrum masters an estimate of how much time was spent assisting Team Triton with bug reviews and support. These time estimates will be rolled into a PBI at the end of each sprint to help identify support costs on a scrum team’s velocity.

For CODE reviews, follow a similar process. however, the focus of a CODE ticket review will also include a code review via the established steps in DevOps.

This process is new and can change based on feedback by the DSD-Marine Review team.

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