So You Want To Tag/Label Your Code
Say you've got a working copy of your code and want to tag/label it so that you can retrieve that version at any time. You could also use versioning to accomplish this but you may not want to cut a version for a valid reason (eg. your code is not going to prod anytime soon but you still want to stamp it at a known/working state).
What's the difference between Tag and Label? Well, not much, really. If you're using GIT then you Tag. If you're still using TFS then you Label.
Step-by-step guide
To Tag...
Within your Azure DevOps project navigate to your Repo and underneath the Repo menu item you'll see Tags. Simply create a Tag there. Use a descriptive comment so that it's clear why/when you created the Tag.
To Label...
In Visual Studio, within Source Control Explorer, navigate to your project, right-click on it, select Advanced, and then Apply Label...
Then name your Label and give it a descriptive comment so that it's clear why/when you created the Label.
To find your Label, again right-click on your project, select Find, and then Find Label...
Use the dialog to search for your Label
If you double-click on the search result that matches your Label, it will open the Label view which allows you to do various things including retrieving the code with that Label
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