The Design Process

TC Design

The Design Process


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The Design Process


The Design Process is a flexible framework for solving problems of all sizes and can be used at any phase of any project. This framework can be used to solve a brand new problem or business opportunity and lead to the creation of an MVP (minimum viable product) digital product or it can also result in a non-digital solution such as a process or procedural change; it all depends on what problems you’re solving and the sorts of solutions your team comes up with.

You may have seen similar versions of this framework if you are familiar with design-thinking, Lean, human factors, or agile methodologies, or perhaps you currently work with a designer using a similar framework.

Our intention with the Design Process was to create a baseline framework that our teams can follow so that:

  • We all speak using a common vocabulary that is understood by our teams and business stakeholders

  • Designers can onboard to new projects and teams easier

  • Stakeholder expectations are similar from project to project

  • Stakeholder expectations are similar between different phases of a project

  • Collaboration is improved between developers, designers, product owners, and change managers

This framework is ultimately a guideline and is intended to be flexible. It is advised that you go through the entire process for every piece of work (discovery, design, implement, test, evaluate), but the Tools and Activities are only examples and suggestions to help you work through each phase and each item is not mandatory.

Check out the following link for tips and suggestions on How the Design Process can fit into a sprint.


Gather enough evidence and initial direction on what to do next. Achieve consensus on the problem to be solved and desired outcomes. 

  • Understand the users 

  • Understand the problem 

  • Define the opportunities 


Examples of activities in this phase include: 

  • Speak with users and subject matter experts 

  • Conduct job shadowing 

  • Define your metrics of success 


  • Discovery should be technology and solution-agnostic 

  • Discovery should not involve testing a hypothesis 

  • Ask, "What do we want to achieve?" or "What does success look like?" 


  • User interview 

  • User personas 

  • User journey map 

  • Service blueprint 

  • Benchmark test 


Look at the problem from different perspectives and come up with a solution to the problem that you believe will achieve the desired outcome. 

  • Brainstorm solutions 

  • Create a representation of the solution 

  • Get feedback 


Examples of activities in this phase include: 

  • Facilitate a brainstorm workshop 

  • Conduct card sorting 

  • Design a workflow process 

  • Wireframe feedback and testing 



  • Diverge and converge brainstorming workshop

  • Reverse brainstorming workshop 

  • Information architecture diagram 

  • Workflow diagram 

  • Low fidelity wireframes (Balsamiq, Miro Wireframing)


Build a minimum viable solution to test your hypothesis. 

  • Deliver the solution 

  • Build in quality

  • Confirm success metrics and how they will be measured


Examples of activities in this phase include: 




Identify problems, uncover opportunities, and learn about our users’ behaviour and preferences. 

  • Ensure the solution is clear and easy to use 

  • Check that the solution complies with best practices 

  • Track usability over time


Examples of activities in this phase include: 


  • Include a diverse set of users, such as different personas, user roles, and demographics

  • Test training and help materials 



See how the solution performs in the real world and adjust as needed. 

  • Assess whether the solution met our measurement of success 

  • Track usage 

  • Iterate and improve 


Examples of activities in this phase include: 

  • Collect user feedback and sentiment 

  • Collect usage analytics 


  • Revisit and measure against your metrics for success defined in the "Discover“ phase 

  • Working in small increments makes it less costly when something does not work 




TC Design