Request for Services - General TC Setup

Request for Services - General TC Setup

There are a few steps that you will need to go through to ensure you have the proper TC hardware and software once you join the team.

NSR Service Requests

You will need to fill out an NSR with the following Service Requests

  • Local Admin Rights (Developers must have admin access on their machine as part of job)

  • Dual Monitors (although you can also use the tablet as one screen and another monitor to expand screen)

  • Laptop and Docking Station plus lock

  • Webcam headset

  • Cloud Services - Microsoft Azure (you will receive a microsoft 034 account for Teams, DevOps, CRM, etc)

  • GC Secure Remote Access (GCSRA)

  • Wi-fi enabled (setup with password)

MSDN Request

Once the new employees have their TC accounts set-up and have access to e-mail and a computer/laptop, I create an NSPJ for Visual Studio 2013 Enterprise Edition w/ MSDN Subscription.  You’ll need to specify the following:

Product Requested: MSDN Subscription
Product Version: Visual Studio 2013 Enterprise Edition with MSDN
Describe your business requirement for this product:
MSDN subscription required to download development software.
Number of Licenses or Units Requested: 1

  1. A software request form must be filled.

  2. When the form is processed, you will be asked for the following:

    1. Employee status (eg FTE, Consultant, Student, etc)

    2. Employee’s manager’s name

    3. Manager’s RC code:  <REQUIRED – please check with your manager if unsure>

    4. Does the end-user have admin rights on their workstation

SMGS Assignment Group (will need this once we start support in production)

New employees will also need to be added to the MARINESAFETY assignment group in SMGS.  To get this done, send an e-mail to Luc Thermonvil (and/or Service Desk) and ask to have the new user added to MARINESAFETY.

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