Deleted custom TCMailer.ini from the MTOA platform portal and MTAPI. The TCMailer is already installed on the server under C:\Program Files (x86)\Transport Canada\TC Mailer 3.0\
Addressed dependency injection issue with the IViruscanManagerIVirusScanManager
PBI #8017 - Service Request History - Provide ability to input the date and time of the status change
New PUT /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex api
PBI #8018 - Service Request History - Provide ability to retrieve the user details (first name, last name) of the person that made the change to the status of the SR
Implement GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/status-history-ex
Implement GET /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex
PBI #8019 - Service Request Details - Provide ability to filter and do paging based on SR Status and Place of Supply
New POST /api/v1/servicerequests/query to retrieve a list of service requests related to a given service which the results can be filtered. The list allows for pagination if a page or page size is provided. Service requests can be excluded.
BUG #8255 - Current user id should not be mandatory. also if userID is not provided, the API should returns all users regardless of the requester affiliation
New API to get users by permission, service and org to retrieve all users regardless of the requester affiliation if UserId not provided - GET /api/v1/permissions/{permissionId}/services/{serviceId}
Bug #8256 - Fix the condition to determine if the paging has more pages.
Bug #8261 - PUT /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex